Today we explore some properties of the number 36. It is of course a perfect square, 6 x 6. But it is also a so-called “triangle number”, the sum of consecutive integers from 1 to 8. It is highly composite, having 9 factors, all 2s and 3s. Composites of 2 and 3 have a particular appeal for humans, and are very common in music (where most rhythms are subdivisions of 2 and 3), and in organization (e.g., dozens, etc.).
We will continue to post properties and facts throughout the day, but feel free to suggest your own in the comments.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! Hope you had a great day, and spend lots of time with luna.
About 36, there’s also the fact that 3+3 (or 3X2) = 6. 🙂
Most interesting post!!
The comments in your Monday post will not work for me 🙁
Was thinking the 36 is a nice number and you give nice facts!!
Maybe the best thing about 36 is BIRTHDAY cake you will have ?????
If that is correct…HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!
If not…enjoy some cake 🙂
Purrs Mickey