36 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: Pescadero Revisited

  1. Great perspective. Looks like a mighty highway. That's the highway that runs close to the ocean all the way up the coast of California, isn't it?

  2. Paul and I drove down that highway countless times, to visit Davenport further down the coast, to hike in Butano State Park, and to go to Pescadero where we'd get artichoke garlic bread. We would buy two or three loaves planning to freeze them all and eat them gradually but inevitably we would consume a whole loaf on the drive back to the Bay Area, it was so good. And we would go to San Gregorio Beach. I have been thinking a lot lately about our second anniversary celebration, which took place on that very beach.

  3. Hi! what a great shot. if i could take my house with me, i'd like to travel that road, but if not, i'm miss my couch to much. ha ha ha

  4. If I lived there? I would be sure to not be there when The Earthquake strikes. Seriously tho, I do love the beauty of the engineering of the road and bridge.

  5. The shadow of the road, untouchable and impervious to rough treatment, contrasted the concrete road that leads to the mountains. Unique! Happy WW! πŸ˜‰ I wonder if there are [url=http://www.dailyhappythoughts.com/]birds[/url] in the mountains.

  6. This is a really cool shot! I like the one below of the cat on the keyboard as well. Thanks so much for stopping by πŸ™‚

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