Here's the first entry from my blog documenting my participation in the RPM Challenge to conceive and record an album within the 28 days of February:
Well, it's the eve of RPM 2007. I have taken the organizers' advice and will not begin either composition or recording until tomorrow. But that doesn't mean I won't start planning in advance. I have an overall idea for the structure of the album, with the pieces fitting together as a single unit, and moving in an arc from more beat-based music to more free-form and experimental, though I haven't decided how it should end up. I am also preparing things technically for the project. Most of the work will be done on the computer using software synthesizers and sequencers – I will likely use some hardware instruments and acoustic samples as well.
The goal is to do the creative work (and hopefully much of the recording) in 2 1/2 weeks to mirror the appromixately 2 1/2 years it took to complete my last album Aquatic…
For those interested in following this effort, you can check in here and at my RPM page all throughout February.
It's an interesting project. I hope it works out for you. Maybe Luna will give you some inspirations. 🙂 Good luck!