
In a medium that is designed only for speaking or broadcasting, how does one indicate listening? The time I spend listening, and viewing, and reflecting is generally lost.

Tonight I find myself thinking about one instruction set computing, the organic and geometric reflections of dim lights on metal objects, how I should really do a fun-with-highways-post and the old fashioned art of romantic letter writing, while Luna keeps a patient and quiet watch within arms reach.

And that should really be enough.

One thought on “Untitled

  1. We kitties indicate listening mush like humans.
    Close your eyes and tilt your head to one side,toward the source 😉
    We do not get OISC(heehee) but ,the organic and geometric reflections of
    dim lights on metal objects, sounds quite interesting !
    Mom thinks the old fashioned art of romantic letter writing is neat.
    Long gone are the days when penmanship was taught in school.
    Now,letter writing in general seems to be a lost art .
    Thinking or listening is easiest with a cat for company too 😉
    Purrs Mickey

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