I managed to get this photo of Luna sitting in front of a ledge overlooking the downstairs. I think she matches the works of art on the wall quite well.
Astute readers may recognize the large black painting from one of our reviews last October. See if you can pick out the artist.
Weekend Cat Blogging is being hosted this weekend by The Meezers.
The Carnival of the Cats will be up on Sunday at iMeowza.
And of course the Friday Ark is at the modulator.
The classy cat loaf pawsition is always worth a picture. Thank you for visiting us!
Indeed, she looks very decorative and fits in your living room, lol !
She’s a piece of performance art!
Luna does indeed look beautiful and well matched to the artwork on the wall

We also see your art piece from Heike Seefeldt and saw her posing in front of it
Very nice. Purrs to you Luna .
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Luna is lovely as usual. She looks very much like my Jules. Nice art.
Points to Mickey and family for correctly identifying the artist of the large painting as Heike Seefeldt