Spike and Valente Electric Piano

Tuxedo cat sitting on top of a Valente electric piano

Spike poses handsomely atop his Valente electric reed piano.

Submitted by Simon Beck, who adds:

Spike is a 13-year-old-ish British Domestic Shorthair, though he prefers to be referred to as a Tuxedo Cat. He is often found playing his Valente electric reed piano, a Wurlitzer-like electromechanical instrument, hand-made in Brazil in 2022. Spike lives in Croydon, England with his humans, Simon and Karen, and their two adult offspring.

I am an electric piano player and aficionado, but I was unfamiliar with the Valente piano until now. I appreciate Simon and Spike introducing me to it.

Practice is Over (Triangle Synth Party)

From our friends at Triangle Synth Party in North Carolina via Instagram. Grady is a new cat there but has already made himself at home in the studio.

We see some Make Noise systems behind the cat and a Hologram Microcosm in front. The remaining gear is left as an exercise for the reader.