The theme for our combined Weekend Cat Blogging and Photo Hunt this weekend is natural. This complements a theme from a year ago, artificial. At that time, we explored the interplay of Luna’s natural beauty with her artificial surroundings. Especially in light of my recent experience with New Topographics, it seems like an appropriate subject to revisit. We often explore the interplay between Luna’s naturally curving biological body and the straight lines that dominate the art and architecture of her surrounding environment.
The patio is really our landscape. It is an artificially constructed one, but it is a space claimed by natural elements, such as the plants, Luna, the bugs she likes to hunt, the grass she tries to eat out of the flower pot…
Another bit of nature this morning, this time one that is not so welcome.
These snails were a menace in our garden when I lived in Santa Cruz where they seemed to arrive in swarms. This is the first one I have seen in our patio in San Francisco in over two years. Removing it from a cactus is not a simple task. On the plus side, it was opportunity to practice with macro shot, which is not something I usually do.
A sad note. Our friend Nirmanakaya’s Viandra (aka “Sniffie”) passed away last week. “Sniffie and Florida Furkids” have often visited and shared their thoughts with us on topics far beyond feline, and in turn we got to know a little about them. Sniffie will be missed, and our thoughts go out to her family.
Weekend Cat Blogging #277 will be hosted by Othello (with some assist from Astrid) at Paulchens FoodBlog?!
Photo Hunt #232 is hosted by tnchick.
The Carnival of the Cats will be hosted this Sunday by Nikita and Elvira at Meowsings of an Opinionated Pussycat.
And the Friday Ark is at the modulator.
It’s so sad to hear about Sniffy.
How’d you get rid of the snail?
My PhotoHunt is here.
Thank you so much for the nice tribute to Sniffie! We miss her terribly.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Thoughts and prayers go out to Sniffle’s family.
Luna is very pretty. She’s a purfect model.
If you have a stick, maybe that can get rid of the snail. Just make sure the stick is long.
Luna’s beauty stands out in the gray!
I would just pick the snails off my tiny garden and throw them on the grass by the road.
I actually did use a short stick to remove the snail (to avoid the needles on the cactus).
Luna is such a lovely kitty!!!!!!!
She looks great in B&W and colour
Thank you so much for the Gotcha day wishes!!!!!!
Can you believe Mom forgot????????? Sheesh!!!
Not to worry, I am being spoiled like crazy ,heh,heh
Purrs Mickey
I’d almost forgotten how beautiful Luna is. Excellent take on the theme
I love watching cats hunt bugs, it never fails to raise a smile.