Wordless Wednesday: Talking Heads

The top of Oleg Lobykin’s 18-foot-tall polished stainless-steel sculpture, Talking Heads, in Patricia’s Green park in Hayes Valley, San Francisco. Its organic metal form stands in contrast to the wooden low-rise building behind it and the taller modern building in the background.

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: Woman Life Freedom

Woman Life Freedom is a neon-based artwork by Taravat Talepasand that is currently on display at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco.

“Woman, Life, Freedom” is a movement which supports basic rights and freedoms for women in Iran. The movement began in 2022, after Mahsa Amini was arrested for not wearing a hijab in accordance with Iranian government standards; she subsequently died while in police custody.

In recognition of this movement to recognize women’s rights, Iranian-American artist Taravat Talepasand developed this neon sculpture, featuring the phrase in both English and Farsi. The piece was first displayed at YBCA in 2023 as part of her solo show, طراوت | TARAVAT, and remains on view as public art in our lobby.