24 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: Harrison Street Graffiti

  1. I have been exploring a lot of the major (and minor) streets in my neighborhood, but I had not really walked Harrison Street between the bridge and CatSynth HQ. This stairwell with its graffiti is one of many visual “treats” I encountered along the way.

  2. The pipe and the opening in the wall make a graffitied stairway an unusual photograph. Your city scenes always have such unusual points of view.

  3. This photo makes me wonder what other graffiti is at the end of those stairs.

    Thanks for commenting on my site. Happy WW! πŸ™‚

  4. That is an interesting picture! As a cat,I am curious and want to go down the stairs πŸ˜‰
    The graffitti is not too bad.

    Purrs Mickey

  5. You got a great shot with all the angles and light; but it’s not an art form I appreciate.
    Thanks for your visit!

  6. Interesting.

    It would be a ‘treat’ if it’s something you don’t see a lot of. Not sure what it says though.

    When is graffiti a graffiti, and when is it art? Does it becomes art if it was a picture? Just wondering….

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