A rather royal picture today as Princess Leia (the cat) lounges with a Zoia pedal from Empress Effects. From occurian on Instagram.
We at CatSynth were not familiar with the Zoia, but it looks intriguing. From the official website:
The ZOIA is basically a modular synthesizer in pedal form. Instead of being a delay effect or tremolo, the ZOIA provides the modules necessary to build a delay or tremolo from the ground up. But since you’re the one building it, you can make it do whatever you want. With the ZOIA you can build your own custom effects, synthesizers, midi controllers, and virtual pedal boards. And to make life a little easier, we’ve created modules for all your standard guitar effects. So for instance, if you want a phaser, you can just plop down a phaser. You don’t have to break out the textbooks to learn that they’re built out of all-pass filters. (Of course, if you’re a nerd like us, you can use the ZOIA to build them out of all-pass filters).
We at CatSynth are nerds, too, and this build phasers from all pass filters.