Wordless Wednesday: Hyatt Regency, San Francisco The Hyatt Regency at Embarcadero Center. Canon DSLR with Lensbaby Edge 35 lens
Wordless Wednesday: Desert Car (Joshua Tree) Ruined car in Joshua Tree National Park. Photo taken with Lensbaby Edge 35 and post-processed for color in Adobe Lightroom.
Wordless Wednesday: Velvet Icosaspirale Returning to a favorite subject of mine, the sculpture Icosaspirale by Charles Perry at Maritime Plaza in San Francisco. The “velvet” and bokeh effects were done with the Lensbaby Velvet 56 lens.
Wordless Wednesday: Portone Portone by Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya at the Goldwell Open Air Museum in Nevada. It is the perfect blend of abstract geometry and desert landscape.
Wordless Wednesday: Blue Experimenting with my Lensbaby Velvet 56 manual-focus lens a small blue glass vase.
Wordless Wednesday: Sculpture at Embarcadero Center From the desert we return to one of my favorite spots in San Francisco, Embarcadero Center.
Wordless Wednesday: Second Street Return An office building plaza where I used to enjoy stopping and sitting. It felt so…urban. It was good to visit again recently after a long hiatus.