Well, it's Sunday, and time for the 189th Carnival of the Cats. Luna is in one of her many favorite spots and ready to preside over the festivities. And so we shall begin…
First of we have a funny cat and dog video from Musings at Windyridge. What a patient dog…
Aloysius' friend Goldy enjoys some bird watching in Ohio at Catymology. “Oh, for a fine, fat pheasant of my own!”
We have come to expect great photography from our friends at The Poor Mouth on “Wordless Wednesday”. And they deliver with this elegant photo of Mimi.
Many of our friends celebrated Halloween this past week. We can still catch the Cat-O-Lanters over at Watermark. In fact, the have a second one, because you can't have too many Cat-O-Lanterns.
And what would Halloween be without costumes. Fortunately, the cats over at The Scratching Post have found a minimalist approach by going out as a rabbit.
Wanna see something Scary in the South? Head over to Blog d'Elisson. They also feature black cat Neighbor for Halloween. It's been great to see so many black cats this week.
Halloween is of course followed by dia de los muertos (day of the dead), and at Texas Oasis, we have dia de los muertos para los gatos, honoring beloved cats who have passed on this year. We at CatSynth offer our respects as well. They also share an excellent New York Times article about the love of our animal companions.
Puddy enjoys a not-so-grand adventure outdoors at A Byootaful Life. He doesn't make it much past the backyard. But that's further than Luna ventured when outside in her harness…
Boo says TGIF, or “Tuxie Goodness It's Friday.” Well, even though it's no longer Friday, it will come around again soon enough.
Meanwhile, might as well enjoy something comfortable, or “cumforbuls”, just like at Friday Cat Blogging Ladybug Edition at Lab Kat.
Nosey enjoys his perch atop a wooden board. There is also a closeup, where we can all see how handsome Nosey is.
Visit Bonnie and Victor to see “a one-time only affair, never to be repeated. Bonnie tolerating Victor? Never! She just wants her chair.”
Meanwhile, we have a great new video of Middle-Aged Cat Play from This, that and the other thing. Pounce! Good times.
Over at spectacular imperfections, we have a case of identical twins. How did they do that? Emily certainly wants to know.
Nothing says peace and contentment more than a kitty curled up in a lap, and have a wonderful example at AmbivaBlog. [perhaps it's appropriate that Luna jumped up on my lap as I wrote this].
Even indoor cats want to be mighty hunters, and thus Mycah has an encounter with a squirrel at TacJammer.
More cat videos this weekend, with Tabitha and Gizmo in action at Nancy's Crazy Adventures.
Perfectly Parker has Freaky Photos for Formerly Feral Friday. OK everyone, say that ten times fast!
At Pet Monologues, “a cat makes a brief, but critical, appearance.” Inspired by another COTC participant Watermark.
Especially in these days of high energy prices, we more cuddlin' to keep warm, and Grace and the Kittens show us how. And Audace demonstrates another source of renewable energy with his non-stop play.
Andrée of meeyauw treats us to Lectionary reading from the LOLCat Bible. This ons is for the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Samantha and Tigger demonstrate classic classic cat-sleeping positions over at Life from a Cat's Perspective.
And speaking of classics, check out this photo of our friend Dragonheart.
At Mind of Mog, the cats are getting “legal” for their apartment, which means a trip to the vet for Ritzi. And although everything went well and Ritzi can return home, parting can be so bittersweet.
iMeowza declares “Me Handsome”. With photos like that, we at CatSynth cannot disagree. But meanwhile iInfidel says “look who's the dirty boy”. We'll leave that one alone…
“Fundamentally rendered insane by power”. The The Rangers have been sick, at StrangeRanger. We hope the get better soon. But meanwhile, Ivy demonstrates the proper response, lots of rest.
At the The Mad Macedonian, a cat reveals a secret. Co-blogger Nikita maintains a blog-within-a-blog called Nikitas Place, complete with its own blogroll and more. Interesting concept.
Next, we have this adorable photo of Missy Blue Eyes enjoying another gizzy quilt. The blue of her eyes and quilt are remarkable.
Missy also introduces us to a saturday trio. Extreme cuteness alert!
Rocky is having a yard sale over at Artsy Catsy. Check it out, though we at CatSynth need to avoid accumulating more stuff right now. Must resist.
In Israel, four members of a local cat colony enjoy a nice breakfast. You can see four handome gray and silver cats, arranged in quite a symmetric pattern.
At The Wide Awake Cafe, we meet a handsome black cat at a bed-and-breakfast. We are also reminded that “lfe sometimes requires one to take tedious journeys but if there is a cat at the end of the road, all is purrs.”
…and what a great sentiment with which to close this carnival!
We at CatSynth enjoyed hosting, but are quite exhausted from the experience.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week.