Our friend and fellow composer/musician Cat Temper submitted this image of a little “Hello Kitty” noise synth via Instagram. The Hello Kitty synth is a creation of Lullaby Machines, which has an Etsy Store with some audio and video synths.
Our friend and fellow composer/musician Cat Temper submitted this image of a little “Hello Kitty” noise synth via Instagram. The Hello Kitty synth is a creation of Lullaby Machines, which has an Etsy Store with some audio and video synths.
A Mewsic Keyboard (a favorite among circuit benders and CatSynth enthusiasts), a Hello Kitty toy guitar, and other toys ready for a creative adventure. From adamneutron on Instagram.
he Meowsic Keyboard will eventually get circuit bent when I find the time. I already have some ideas what I want to experiment with.
We at CatSynth wish Adam happy experimentation.