Weekend Cat Blogging and more: Luna's "Burfday"

Well, we had a cold, dark, and camera-less night, but that didn't stop us from kicking off Luna's “Burfday” Weekend. Here's a slightly blurry cell-phone photo of Luna:

We had a bit more fun today, and even managed to scrounge up an old camera for some photos. It wouldn't be a birthday without new toys:

And Luna is expecting some more exciting things in the mail real soon.

Of course, there is still plenty of time for rest on a favorite spot, especially as it has been very cold this weekend (even dipped below freezing for a bit):

We're doing the best we can to have some enjoyment and celebration in this really hard, transitional time.

Oh, and Luna is now three years old đŸ™‚

UPDATE: See Luna's “burfday” diary entry at Catster.

Weekend Cat Blogging will be at Life from a Cats Perspective with Samantha Black and Tigger. The “holiday meow singing” brought us a brief smile.

The Bad Kitty Cat Festival of Chaos will be hosted by Pet & The Bengal Brats at Pet?s Garden Blog (I think we need both mittens and socks for the cold). The Carnival of the Cats will take place this Sunday and Monday at This, That and The Other Thing. And of course the Friday Ark #167 is at the modulator.

Weekend Cat Blogging and more: Away for Thanksgiving

Well, I am away in New York for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, and Luna remains at the (hopefully) soon-to-be-former home in Santa Cruz. So I thought it would be appropriate to share some more photos of Luna from our favorite cat sitter Ronni West:

Perhaps this trip is a little more bittersweet because the “long weekend is longer than a weekend”. We're going to be stuck in away-from-home state for a bit longer, it seems. Hopefully not too much longer. But it is good to know that meanwhile she is getting lots of love and care.

Weekend Cat Blogging #129 is being hosted by our friends at the House of the (Mostly) Black Cats. It looks like Pepi had a bit of a scare with a candle, but everyone is fine. Everyone, please be extra careful with fire safety. A candle can easily turn into something terrible for everyone.

The Bad Kitty Cat Festival of Chaos will be hosted this weekend at Mind of Mog; Carnival of the Cats is going to Wonkitties this Sunday. And of course the Friday Ark is at the modulator.

Weekend Cat Blogging and more: Luna and CatSynth HQ

Now that it is clear we will be moving, we thought it would be appropriate to share some images of Luna at the soon-to-be-former CatSynth HQ:

For the time being, Luna will continue to reside here, while I find us a permanent new home. So the weekdays will be a little lonely for both of us, but we'll make it through. Luna will be getting lots of love and attention from her favorite cat sitter during the week, and we'll still be together on the weekends.

Our friends Kashim and Othello are pulling double duty this weekend. They are hosting both Weekend Cat Blogging #128 and the Bad Kitty Cat Festival of Chaos (watch out for that snow).

The Carnival of the Cats will be at Pet's Garden Blog this Sunday. And of course the Friday Ark #165 is at the modulator.

Weekend Cat Blogging and more: Comfy and Clean

It's been a bit colder and darker this week, so Luna is returning to her spot on the glass table above the heater:

The Bad Kitty Cat Festival of Chaos has an optional theme of “Clean or Dirty”. Luna is quite fastidious, and enjoys clean elegant spaces, like her glass table. Similarly, how about this minimalist pose on our clean floor?

Weekend Cat Blogging #127 is being hosted by the vermin squirrels at What Did You Eat – and of course Upsie and sher are there as well. The Bad Kitty Cat Festival of Chaos is being held at This, That and The Other Thing.

The Carnival of the Cats (which we hosted last week) will be at Justin's Random Thoughts. And of course, the Friday Ark #164 is at the modulator.

Carnival of the Cats #189

Well, it's Sunday, and time for the 189th Carnival of the Cats. Luna is in one of her many favorite spots and ready to preside over the festivities. And so we shall begin…

First of we have a funny cat and dog video from Musings at Windyridge. What a patient dog…

Aloysius' friend Goldy enjoys some bird watching in Ohio at Catymology. “Oh, for a fine, fat pheasant of my own!”

We have come to expect great photography from our friends at The Poor Mouth on “Wordless Wednesday”. And they deliver with this elegant photo of Mimi.

Many of our friends celebrated Halloween this past week. We can still catch the Cat-O-Lanters over at Watermark. In fact, the have a second one, because you can't have too many Cat-O-Lanterns.

And what would Halloween be without costumes. Fortunately, the cats over at The Scratching Post have found a minimalist approach by going out as a rabbit.

Wanna see something Scary in the South? Head over to Blog d'Elisson. They also feature black cat Neighbor for Halloween. It's been great to see so many black cats this week.

Halloween is of course followed by dia de los muertos (day of the dead), and at Texas Oasis, we have dia de los muertos para los gatos, honoring beloved cats who have passed on this year. We at CatSynth offer our respects as well. They also share an excellent New York Times article about the love of our animal companions.

Puddy enjoys a not-so-grand adventure outdoors at A Byootaful Life. He doesn't make it much past the backyard. But that's further than Luna ventured when outside in her harness…

Boo says TGIF, or “Tuxie Goodness It's Friday.” Well, even though it's no longer Friday, it will come around again soon enough.

Meanwhile, might as well enjoy something comfortable, or “cumforbuls”, just like at Friday Cat Blogging Ladybug Edition at Lab Kat.

Nosey enjoys his perch atop a wooden board. There is also a closeup, where we can all see how handsome Nosey is.

Visit Bonnie and Victor to see “a one-time only affair, never to be repeated. Bonnie tolerating Victor? Never! She just wants her chair.”

Meanwhile, we have a great new video of Middle-Aged Cat Play from This, that and the other thing. Pounce! Good times.

Over at spectacular imperfections, we have a case of identical twins. How did they do that? Emily certainly wants to know.

Nothing says peace and contentment more than a kitty curled up in a lap, and have a wonderful example at AmbivaBlog. [perhaps it's appropriate that Luna jumped up on my lap as I wrote this].

Even indoor cats want to be mighty hunters, and thus Mycah has an encounter with a squirrel at TacJammer.

More cat videos this weekend, with Tabitha and Gizmo in action at Nancy's Crazy Adventures.

Perfectly Parker has Freaky Photos for Formerly Feral Friday. OK everyone, say that ten times fast!

At Pet Monologues, “a cat makes a brief, but critical, appearance.” Inspired by another COTC participant Watermark.

Especially in these days of high energy prices, we more cuddlin' to keep warm, and Grace and the Kittens show us how. And Audace demonstrates another source of renewable energy with his non-stop play.

Andrée of meeyauw treats us to Lectionary reading from the LOLCat Bible. This ons is for the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Samantha and Tigger demonstrate classic classic cat-sleeping positions over at Life from a Cat's Perspective.

And speaking of classics, check out this photo of our friend Dragonheart.

At Mind of Mog, the cats are getting “legal” for their apartment, which means a trip to the vet for Ritzi. And although everything went well and Ritzi can return home, parting can be so bittersweet.

iMeowza declares “Me Handsome”. With photos like that, we at CatSynth cannot disagree. But meanwhile iInfidel says “look who's the dirty boy”. We'll leave that one alone…

“Fundamentally rendered insane by power”. The The Rangers have been sick, at StrangeRanger. We hope the get better soon. But meanwhile, Ivy demonstrates the proper response, lots of rest.

At the The Mad Macedonian, a cat reveals a secret. Co-blogger Nikita maintains a blog-within-a-blog called Nikitas Place, complete with its own blogroll and more. Interesting concept.

Next, we have this adorable photo of Missy Blue Eyes enjoying another gizzy quilt. The blue of her eyes and quilt are remarkable.

Missy also introduces us to a saturday trio. Extreme cuteness alert!

Rocky is having a yard sale over at Artsy Catsy. Check it out, though we at CatSynth need to avoid accumulating more stuff right now. Must resist.

In Israel, four members of a local cat colony enjoy a nice breakfast. You can see four handome gray and silver cats, arranged in quite a symmetric pattern.

At The Wide Awake Cafe, we meet a handsome black cat at a bed-and-breakfast. We are also reminded that “lfe sometimes requires one to take tedious journeys but if there is a cat at the end of the road, all is purrs.”

…and what a great sentiment with which to close this carnival!

We at CatSynth enjoyed hosting, but are quite exhausted from the experience.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week.

Hosting Carnival of the Cats #189

NOTE: The round-up will be posted sometime Sunday night (US Pacific time)

We at CatSynth are excited to be hosting this weekend's Carnival of the Cats!

We welcome all feline blog submissions for the Carnival. To participate, use the handy submission form, or contact us.

And don't forget this weekend's other cat events. Weekend Cat Blogging #126 is at Chey?s Place. The Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos is back home at the Bad Kitty Cats. And of course Friday Ark #163 has boarded at the modulator.


It's just one of those things when you live in California. You know an earthquake when you feel it, and we at CatSynth definitely felt it tonight. From Associated Press:

The quake had a preliminary magnitude of 5.6 and struck shortly after 8 p.m., about 9 miles northeast of San Jose, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

The earthquake was in full force here at CatSynth HQ, with the nasty side-to-side motion and our many glass items shaking quite intensely. But we're fine, no damage, and it sounds like there was little or no damage elsewhere. Luna was a little shaken, though.

Halloween Weekend Cat Blogging Round-up

Well, it's time for the big Halloween Weekend Cat Blogging Round-up. We're celebrating black cats this weekend (of course, we do that every weekend here at CatSynth). But we welcome all cats and cat-lovers for the Halloween festivities. Indeed, we open with a holiday graphic from our British-shorthair-tabby friends Kashim and Othello:

They also have a video this weekend. Check it out.

Across the Pacific (aka, the “other pond”) in Malaysia, we have a black kitten standing proudly among its ginger siblings at Of course, no celebration of black cats would be complete without a visit to the House of Mostly Black Cats. This portrait of Boni Maroni (left) is certainly appropriate for today, but we also think it would be great for their Peace Globe, which they are preparing for the next Peace Globes blog event on November 7. We'll be there, too!

We also have black-cat laser eyes at Sleeping Mommy, along with Sara Blue, who was recently found and rescued. Sounds like she is adjusting to her new home. Just watch out for those laser eyes.

Sadly, homeless kitties abound, and at Very SEDAP!!! they are doing their best to help some wary homeless kittens in their neighborhood. More spooky laser eyes give way to a family of kittens learning to trust humans.

With so many homeless kittens and rescues this weekend, we think this is a good time to pause and think about all the pets and homeless animals affected by the wildfires in southern California this week. As things appear to be calming down, we continue to hope for the best.

Boo wishes everyone a Happy Halloween with his own festive graphics at Manx Mnews. A mixture of traditional Halloween black-and-orange, cats, and modernist texture (can't resist a moment to dip into art-critic mode). Nicely done.

Meanwhile, Upsie and sher get into the holiday spirit by featuring Sydney the Spider. Fine dining, spider-style, brings new meaning to the title What Did You Eat?.

And for our Halloween celebration of black cats, Stasia cedes the spotlight to Petee at Zazen in the Moonlight. Sounds like the little guy has had a tough life, but it sounds like he has a nice loving home now.

A beautiful black cat can be a princess. But over at Life from a Cat's Perspective, Samantha wishes her mom wasn't quite so literal about it. Don't worry, Halloween will be over soon enough…

Izzy may be exonerated, but it seems like trouble abounds at Mind of Mog. Seems like an episode tailor-made for the Bad Kitty Cat Festival.

Meanwhile, our friend Kitikata-san is dealing with some unwelcome scents in the form of CJ (right) and another “scardee cat.” And she didn't get to partake in the smoked chicken. Hope she gets some Halloween treats as consolation…

Over at A Byootiful Life, we find one of our favorite “Luna look-a-likes” Puddy is trying to get out. Hopefully getting to hang out with all your WCB friends and celebrating black kitties is reason enough for Puddy to stay inside with us.

Meanwhile, the cats at Rosa's Yummy Yums are looking bored, in a tragically hip sort of way. Now we look this way. Now we look that way. What else is there to life?

No…really…what else is there?

More black cats this weekend! Big black Kamikazee is ready for the holidays. He wishes everyone a Happy Halloween at I Got Two Shoes.

The folks at Music and Cats invite you to guess “what part of the (black) cat is this?”

Over at cuisine guylaine, we are treated to un petit tour dans le jardin! and more.

We at CatSynth join our fellow weekend cat bloggers in offering our thoughts to Miss Peach, who is seriously ill, and her family.

WCB Apocrypha. Andrée of Meeyauw has begun Sunday lectionary readings from the LOLCat Bible. Daisy has a Sunday comic reminding us not to judge others by their skin (or lack thereof). Megan at the Bad Kitty Cats Journal reflects on kitty cats, children, and memories after a difficult year.

Other Weekend Cat Events. Friday Ark #162 is at the modulator. The Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos is at Live from a Cat's Perspective with Samantha and Tigger. And Carnival of the Cats is going to Missy Blue Eyes' and KC's on Sunday. (And we're hosting the Carnival right here at CatSynth next Sunday).