Luna is inspecting the latest musical acquisition here at CatSynth HQ, a vintage Minimoog synth. She is always curious to check new arrivals out, with some close sniffing along with visual inspections. Then she looses interest. She is, after all, a cat.
The astute (and synth-savvy) observer may also notice a Mixtape Alpha sitting on top of the Minimoog. Both instruments offer interesting possibilities, the the tiny Mixtape Alpha is more practical for live performance.
Luna looks suspicious! Are you not doing it right, maybe? Happy New Year!
Well, we think Luna is wondering if the MiniMoog is for her 😉
Maybe you two will jam together,heehee
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure,Tiger and JJ
and Angel Tillie
Oh goody, new toys! She can direct when you use them. 🙂
Great job checking out the new equipment, Miss Luna! We hope they passed your inspection. Happy new year to you both, friends!