Satchel is excited about his setup which includes an Elektron Analog Rytm, a Behringer 305 module, a Qu-Bit Prism, and several other modules all housed in an Arturia RackBrute case.
From littlesynthbox via Instagram.
Intruder alert! ⚠️ Troublemaker detected in the studio! ⚠️
My boy Satchel is helping out with inspiration today 👌🎹🎵🐈
I’m sure he’ll be absolutely thrilled at seeing his name up in lights, as it were! Thank you 🙂
You’re very welcome! We’re happy to feature Satchel today and any time he poses with the synths.
Such a cute kitty. I love tuxies.
Satchel certainly has some mighty whiskers! Are you, Sam Sam, and Big Merp doing okay with all that rain?