The beanbag is back – and Luna has rediscovered it:
It's a great spot to relax by the window, and also supervise as I get ready for the show on Thursday.
Check out more Midnight Monday on House Panthers.
The beanbag is back – and Luna has rediscovered it:
It's a great spot to relax by the window, and also supervise as I get ready for the show on Thursday.
Check out more Midnight Monday on House Panthers.
Luna is featured today on House Panthers!
This wonderful collage is from Diamond Emerald Eyes.
Check out more House Panthers.
It's also Cats on Tuesday.
Submitted by Dick Cravens from stolenflowersmedia:
Very “artistic” black-and-white photo of a black cat and music.
Stolenflowersmedia has streaming audio and video, definitely worth a look.
Check out more black cats on Midnight Monday at House Panthers.
Cats, geometry, mathematics and art have been a theme of late here at CatSynth.
Remember this photo of Luna next to one of our geometric glass tables? Well, Luna seems to quite enjoy spending time in and around it. So there is now quite a collection of photos contrasting her organic shapes with the linear geometry of her surroundings:
We had some more surreal green kitties this past Wednesday. And Luna gets into the “green theme” as well:
And with Earth Day approaching, “green” seems quite appropriate. Of course, it's always green here at CatSynth with Luna's emerald eyes.
Weekend Cat Blogging #150 is being hosted by Mog, Meowza and Cece at Mind of Mog.
The Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos will be held at the Cat Blogosphere.
This Sunday, the Carnival of the Cats will be hosted by Aloyisius at Catymology.
And of course the Friday Ark is at the modulator.
As mentioned yesterday, it got quite warm here at CatSynth HQ. And while the heat energizes me, it was probably a bit too much for Luna:
It's interesting how Luna likes to keep a paw near the metal cables when she rests in her favorite spot.
Opening some windows and running our ceiling fans cooled things down nicely, and the ketzela was soon up and about.
This morning is a bit breezier, and it's supposed to much cooler – but the air has that “summer” feel and aroma to it. Of course, the “real” summer around here is fog cover, so we should enjoy the sunshine and heat while we can.
Check out more black cats for Midnight Monday at House Panthers. Today, they are featuring Madness from Random Drift.
Let's crack open all the windows!
The queen surveys her domain:
Visit House Panthers for more Midnight Monday.
Scroll down for yesterday's Carnival of the Cats.
Submitted by martin from KICKING AT THE TRUNK:
A great photo, with a black cat, lava lamp and one of the E-MU command stations (XL-7, I think).
Check out other “midnight monday” cats at House Panthers.
A few weeks ago, Luna had a feline upper-respiratory infection. Lots of sneezing and distress, but also a lot of time sleeping on comfy blankets:
This weekend I seemed to have a particularly nasty bug, which means being in a lot of physical distress (with fevers, aches and a runny nose), but also some time to just curl up with a blanket and rest.
It's amazing to see how similarly we deal with illness. It's a reminder that we share a lot of basic traits, despite our obvious anatomical and behavioral differences. On that note, there is a book Your Inner Fish that I am quite curious to read – and of course this would have been a good to read it, being as I have very little energy for anything else. It describes the many mundane and bizarre traits we share with other animals. For example, we have traces of fish anatomy and physiology like gills. Reading about things like this, and observing our own animal companions, it is hard too see how we don't share a common heritage, as some “anti-evolutionists” suggest.
For more black cats on Midnight Monday, visit our friends at House Panthers.