Our white feline friend is back, this time in a cozy spot inside a ModCan modular system.
From 1000cables on Instagram.
She has such a lovely house 🙂
We at CatSynth agree.
Our white feline friend is back, this time in a cozy spot inside a ModCan modular system.
From 1000cables on Instagram.
She has such a lovely house 🙂
We at CatSynth agree.
This cat is having fun playing atop a massive modular system. In front we modules from Rob Hordijk’s 4U offerings, including the Node Proc and Mini Matrix. There are also modules from Modcan and MOTM is this system. It must be fun to play for human and feline alike.
From 1000cables via Instagram.
A beautiful pic from Davor Gazde and his white feline companion. It looks like the cat is inspecting the patch quite intently.
We are pretty sure this is the same Modcan modular synthesizer from their previous photos. You can see all of their contributions via this link.
Our white feline friend returns, sitting atop a large Modcan modular system as streaks of sunlight enter the room.
Submitted by our friend Davor Gazde via our Facebook page.
Beautiful white cat peeking out from a Modcan modular synth system. Peek-a-boo 😺
Submitted by Davor Gazde via Facebook page
Submitted by Davor Gazde via our Facebook page. We think this cat has found a nice spot to sit inside the Modcan modular synth 🙂
From JohnRice on YouTube, via matrixsynth.
“Just a bit of playing around. Mainly a test of the new Modcan vocoder I recently got. Did I mention it has cats?
Thanks for watching!
PS – Hai Wigglers! ;-)”