Orange cat showing of a rare Quasimidi Sirius synthesizer. Via this listing on Reverb, and also seen on matrixsynth.
“Amazing 90’s “groove-synth”/workstation with:
Fast and fun sound design: plenty of knobs, including ADSR macros for Amp and Filter envelope. Modulation wheel can map up to 5 knobs.
DTE (“difficult to explain”) synthesis somewhere between virtual-analog and rompler sounds.”

“28 voice polyphony across 7 tracks: kick, snare, hi-hat (2 voice), percussion (12-voice kits), and 3 parts for mono- or poly-synths.
expressive 11-band Vocoder, allowing any combination of internal or external parts to be carrier and/or modulator
Quick Pattern-based system, stores 16 songs, where each song has 8 Parts (as wells as 4 Fills and 4 Variations) that assign programs and pattern motifs across to the 7 tracks. Mix and match for quick variety.
2 assignable FX busses: apply any track to either effect, including choruses, flangers, reverbs, and delays. Mix and match for wild ambiances.
Tons of sounds: 3 banks of 96 Rom, and 1 bank of 96 User Patches (for EACH Track-type), divided neatly into 6 categories 16 patches with nice direct-jumping between patches. Also has 1-touch Patch Randomizer for endless inspiration.
Pattern sequencer allows creating custom patterns by step or real-time recording, with random remixing of new sounds and motifs.”
I will admit, I am curious about this – more the synth than the sequencer/pattern part. I am most intrigued by the vocoder, as I have become a bit of a connoisseur of the instruments. The listing is local only for the Philadelphia area, so if I anyone from the city of brotherly love acquires this instrument, I would love to get a report.