The Acro-Cats recently visited San Francisco for a serious of shows, and of course we at CatSynth were there to witness it.

Training cats, and the near impossibility of training them, is of course a cliche. And it is also why some of us love cats, their antics and independence alongside their elegance. These cats were trained to do a variety of acrobatic tricks, but at the same time, they were still just cats. Sometimes it would take a few tries to convince the cat to perform as requested, and sometimes the cats would wander off in true feline fashion. This was part of the show, and of course we cat-lovers in the audience loved that. There were some impressive moments however, such as this series of stunts. The second features the black cat Buggles.
All the cats in the show are shelter rescues, and an important part of the program is about advocacy for adoption of shelter cats and support of local shelters. Cat Town was on hand and received support from the proceeds of this show.
My favorite part of the show, not surprising was the final part featuring the Rock Cats an all cat band. Yes, the cats were actually playing the instruments.
Here is Tuna making an appearance on cowbell.

The keyboard was a toy piano that also attached to a MIDI synthesizer doing 80-style pad sounds. (Yes, more cats and synths!)

You can hear a bit of the Rock Cats in this video.
Maybe a little more practicing is in order before we can book the Rock Cats at the Luggage Store Gallery.
If the Acro-Cats and Rock Cats come to your area, I definitely recommend checking them out. More information can be found here.