CatSynth Pic: Bisou in the Studio

Bisou joins us from France today in a very tidy studio. We at CatSynth are quite impressed with the plastic covers – and should probably consider getting those for our space. Beneath the covers, we do espy an Arturia MiniBrute 2, several offerings from Korg, and more.

Submitted by Greg Roussac via our Facebook page. Here is another pic of Bisou sans synths.

Wordless Wednesday: Blue Pipe

A serendipitous Wordless Wednesday, taken during a concert at the Uptown in Oakland, California. I liked both the architectural detail of the pipe against the brick, and the blue lighting.

Video from the show – the Active Music Series 10th Anniversary festival – will be up on our companion channel CatSynth TV soon. Please subscribe at

(Not so) Wordless Wednesday: Compton’s Cafeteria Way

In 2016, the 100 block of Taylor Street (between Turk and Eddy) was designated as Gene Compton’s Cafeteria Way for the 50th anniversary of the Compton Cafeteria Riots, a riot and protest by transgender people, drag queens, and others two years before the famous Stonewall Inn Riot in New York. I happened to be at the unveiling during Pride 2016 and can read my report here.

The Center For New Music, which is half a block north on Taylor Street, is launching a series commemorating its famous neighbor and transgender awareness and activism. I am proud to be one of the inaugural performers: you can find more about the show this Thursday here.

Finally, you can also read my article about walking the entire length of Taylor Street.