Latest on the Pet Food Recall

Well, there's more disturbing news on the pet food recall.

First, from MedicineNet:

The massive recall of pet foods expanded again Thursday with the recall of products containing rice protein concentrate imported from China.

Blue Buffalo, of Wilton, Conn., said it was recalling all of its Spa Select Kitten dry food labeled “Best Used By Mar. 07 08 B.” … On Wednesday, Natural Balance Pet Foods, of Pacoima, Calif., recalled all its venison dog products and dry venison cat food after discovering they were contaminated with melamine…

So now it's not just wheat gluten, but rice protein as well, again from China. And also in dry food for kittens. But things get worse:

Meanwhile in South Africa, melamine has been found in Royal Canin pet food company's Vets Choice and Royal Canin dry dog and cat food sold exclusively in South Africa and Namibia. The source of the melamine appears to be from corn gluten imported from China, according to published reports.

Corn gluten is exceptionally scary for us because it's a major ingredient in Luna's food. So far, the contaminated corn gluten has not been found here in the United States, and I can't understand why as the largest corn producer in the world we would get any corn products from China. But it's enough of a scare that I have contacted the manufacturer or Luna's main dry food (which is not one of the main brands in the news) for additional information. I will share whatever information I find on this forum.

For more detailed information on individual brands, I recommend checking in with Pet Connection.

So we have three major food products from China. From the Associated Press:

“Melamine was found in all three of those ? it would certainly lend credibility to the theory that it may be intentional. That will be one of the theories we will pursue when we get into the plants in China,” Stephen Sundlof, the FDA's chief veterinarian, told reporters…FDA investigators were awaiting visas that would allow them to visit the Chinese plants where the vegetable protein ingredients were produced.

Good luck to the FDA getting any honest information on a visit to China if it ever happens. But there are questions about the FDA in this whole issue. On one hand, they are now floating the theory that melamine was introduced to purposely increase measured protein content. From David Goldstein at the Huffington Post:

One would expect the FDA to test this theory by directly measuring protein levels in melamine-contaminated samples to see if they otherwise fall below grade. One would also expect the FDA to release the names of all importers, distributors and manufacturers who are suspected of handling contaminated product. But then, one would expect a lot of things from the FDA that they have thus far failed to deliver.

Why are the FDA so slow to name names, particularly when it comes to the Chinese manufacturers and the US distributors that do business with them? Indeed, why don't we simply stop all Chinese imports of these ingredients?

Given the facts, it is now reasonable to assume either massive, industry-wide negligence, or intentional contamination, and that all Chinese produced high-protein food additives are now suspect.

China is becoming the Pakistan of food quality, and the danger is spreading to the human food supply (for those who are unmoved by the suffering of our companion animals). You have to wonder if there is politcal pressure not to go after China for this, as they are such an important partner for the big business interests in the U.S.

To date, 4,346 deceased pets reported by Pet Connection. We at CatSynth do not want to see this number continue to grow…

Weekend Cat Blogging #96: White stripes and more

I quite liked this closeup of Luna with the white stripes. It's actually a color photo, but the subjects and lighting make it appear grayscale.

Zooming out, we can see that Luna is actually tracking a bird outside on the patio.

While Luna continues to enjoy her hunting games through the window, Sundance takes his first trip outside, complete with harness. He is also hosting Weekend Cat Blogging #96 along with Upsie and Sher. Check out their photos and all the other WCB fun when they post the roundup.

Actually, there is one more photo in this series. What is that big bubble-wrap thing behind Luna? It's actually quite appropriate for this forum:

Synthesizer fans might recognize the faint logo of an Octave CAT. It just arrived yesterday, but will remain wrapped until I bring it into the office for a little repair work. I'm sure we'll be seeing a bit more of “Octave The CAT” on these pages in the near future…

Latest on the Pet Food Recall

The pet-food recall story continues to unfold. It has been almost a month since the original recall by Menu Foods. We've seen rat poisen and later melamine from Chinese wheat gluten as the potential root cause, and more and more brands being recalled.

OK, I just have to interject here, why are we getting pet food ingredients from China? It's one thing to import plastic trinkets, and even electronics (we've certainly done business with China at my work). But food products is another thing entirely. China is not known for their strong quality control, or aversion to cutting corners in production. That's not something to fool around when it comes to food for either humans or animals. Plus, pet food ingredients from a country that considers our pets (e.g., cats and dogs) to be dinner??

A great source of information has been Pet Connection, which includes the latest updates on recalled brands. I also like this summary from CNN, both for its being concise and the sweet but sad photo of a cat who recently became ill. Among the scarier developments were the recent recalls of one brand of dry cat food (Hill's Perscription Diet), and cat treats from Del Monte, including Pounce. All the recent recalls are products that contained wheat gluten from China. Luna's brand of dry cat food remains off the list, thankfully, and long ago we tried Pounce and Luna decided it was better as a toy than a cat treat (great for kicking around the floor). Neither her food nor her treats contain wheat gluten of any sort. But we're continuing to follow this, and encourage all our friends to as well…

Perhaps the saddest development is that the “16 or so cats and dogs that have died from poisoning” appears to be a gross underestimate.

PetConnection readers can report sick or deceased pets, and as of this writing they have 3240 deceased pets, of which 1729 are cats and 1511 are dogs. When you include both sick and deceased pets, the number they have is 9378.

Counting “sick and deceased pets” sounds really clinical in a lot of ways, kinda like casualty reports from the Iraq war, including the official undercounting. Putting a more personal face on the tragedy is a column by Christie Keith (who also contributes to PetConnection), the story “is bigger and more tragic” than many of the early official government and company reports suggest. It certainly is for those who have lost a precious member of their family.

There is going to be a nationwide (USA) day of rememberances and marches on April 28.

Weekend Cat Blogging #94 Roundup

Oy, we're having a hard time getting the roundup out this morning – technical problems. But here we are. Welcome to the big Weekend Cat Blogging #94 roundup!. It's a sleepy foggy morning here on the California coast, but we've got coffee and catnip and some classic 1960s/1970s tunes, and we're ready to go!

First up, we have Taboo trying to get some rest at Jelly Pizza. That seems like a good plan to us. Also, “a shout out to Vinnie and Sam and Mex and Kayla, lonely tonight as pack member Lola awaits possible surgery in the morning at the vet.” Get better soon, Lola!

Only 668 days left

Over at whatdidyoueat, we got squirrels, courtesy of sher. Ths squirrels are quite cute, but Upsie reminds us they won't be cute forever. Don't worry, Upsie, we still love you!

Kashim and Othello deal with workmen around the house and stressed nerves, but that doesn't mean Othello doesn't have time for a little Olive Ciabatta. Yum!

Over at xenogere, Kazon is doing well today after an upset stomach earlier in the week. “He?s definitely acting like himself again,” and we think he's looking quite handsome, too.

Next we drop in the House of the (Mostly) Black Cats. Mini helps out mom with jewelry, while Boni gets into the nip stash and now looks pretty strung out on the carpet. Reminds me of some of those wild parties we used to have around here…if it was a little later in the day, who knows we might have to join in the fun w/ Boni and Mini…

Meanwhile, China Cat and Willow enjoy springtime in the porch. And who doesn't love springtime on the porch?

At masak-masak, it's all about the action as Fluffy gets ready to sharpen her claws on the palm tree. Yes, she gets her own palm tree. Things aren't quite as happy for the “boy cat [who] had to take his medicine.” We hope he gets better soon.

It's fun and games with Kate in the Kitchen and Busopher and Harmon. Can you see the cats in this picture? They look way too innocent in that photo, something must be going down…

A wonderfull photograph of Tess in the afternoon sun awaits at The Hidden Paw. Very well done!

A special exclusive this week as Cato meets the Great White Hope of Fatah al Felidae. I think this is one of those moments when we need to say “the opinions expressed here do not reflect the opinions of, its staff or sponsors.” I have enough trouble at the airports as it is ;-).

We make a new friend this weekend: Nitro from meowers from missouri. Read as he defends himself on 13 points. From what, we can only imagine…

It's Toes Woes weekend at Artsy Catsy, where a very contrite-looking Rocky begs forgiveness for dislocating a toe of his human-artist Suzanne.

Of course, the pet-food poison scare continues to concern many of us. Chuysuli has written an open letter to the makers of some popular pet-food brands.

Tatts is looking really comfy over at the BeesHIVE. I love to see cats rolling around on the sidewalk like that when I'm out on one of my walks…

Over at Rosa's Yummy Yums, the photogenic Fridolin is emperor of his domain, at least of his cat tree…

At music and cats, there's no question of who was the alpha kitten. Now that the kitties are all grown up, though, it seems like Sergei is still the “alpha kitten.” Some things never change.

Bienvenue to a new friend from France! Moon plays chat et souris. Hey, we have both a Moon and a Luna this weekend.

It's a lazy Sunday over at Pet's Garden. Whoa, am I seeing triple? Or is just some of Boni's catnip for H(M)BC?

Laziness seems to be in abundance this Sunday, for humans and felines alike at kross-eyed kitty. We, too, know the joy of a shared nap together.

Baci gets to celebrate his very first spring over at fourfurrycats. And what better way to celebrate the arrive of spring than with some fine BBQ? That steak is looking pretty tasty… White wine doesn't quite pair with steak, but this label is still apropos.

The title says it all at Restaurant Widow: You can't look at this picture without being filled with joy. Go take a look, and you won't be able to deny it. Those are some amazing little blue eyes…

It's the battle of the fuzziest as wetseringhills. It's pretty much a toss-up, but I think Luna and I could give Barrett and Colin a good challenge in the fur department.

We'll keep posting to the roundup throughout the weekend (as long as we can get ourselves up off our comfy surfaces), so keep those posts coming!

Rat poison found in recalled pet food

There's a bit of a shadow over our WCB fun this weekend, as the pet food recall story continues to unfold. From today's Toronto Star:

Rat poison has been found in pet food that sparked a massive recall and sent a scare through tens of thousands of pet owners across North America, but scientists said Friday they still don't know how it got there.

The pet food is produced by Mississauga, Ont.-based Menu Foods and is blamed for the deaths of at least 16 cats and dogs.

Four-month-old Tosa, pictured above, is being treated for kidney problems. Her vet “suspects may have been caused by pet foods.” She seems like a sweet baby, we hope she gets better.

We also hope all our feline friends, including those who participate in WCB, remain safe and healthy.