CatSynth Pics: Mr. Maximillion in the Studio

Mr. Maximillion is napping peacefully in the middle of the studio. Identification of the synths left as an exercise to the reader.

From our friend Charles Whiley via Facebook.

I can leave him down here. In fact he finds peace in this room. The others…not so much.

Sam Sam can be found napping in our studio as well. It is, of course, part of her territory, but she sees it as a safe space. If she is particularly anxious, she sometimes hides behind the mixer and equipment rack.

CatSynth Pic: Miko in the Studio

Meet Miko, another of the cats that lives with our friend Charles Whiley in Arkansas.  She assists him in the studio as he produces his wild synth jams; and she is absolutely adorable!

You can see Whiley’s previous contributes to CatSynth via this link.

Identification of the synths left as an exercise to the reader.

CatSynth Pics: Mr. Maximillion in the House

Some recent pictures of our pal Mr. Maximillion in his studio.  Looks like found a great spot for relaxing and supervising.

He is quite the handsome fellow.

Photos courtesy of his human, Charles Whiley.   Mr. Maximillion’s extensive synth collection isn’t really visible in these photos, but you can see more if it in some his previous pics and videos.