Cat “Inspecting Gadget.” More specifically, a cat with the Korg Gadget app for iOS. From Ken Karsh on the Facebook group iPad Musician.
Highway☆ Released on the App Store!
We at CatSynth are excited to announce the release of our newest app Highway☆ for iPhone and iPad, available on the App Store!
This app comes out of long-term interest in highways and road travel, something we explore periodically on this site. It’s a sort of “Pokemon Go” for travelers and road geeks, where you can discovery and collect highways as you travel.
It also has features for exploring new places on your device, and finding more information about the roads. You can also connect with other users and compete for the top scores.
It is completely free, so please download and have fun, especially if you are planning to hit the road this summer. And please let us know what you think or if you have ideas for new features 😺
And we are currently busy at work on an Android version, which we hope to share soon.
CatSynth: The App! 2.5.0 for iOS Released
We have a new version of CatSynth: The App! available on the Apple App Store. This is a tremendous update. The best version of CatSynth: The App! ever. We have rethought the user experience while preserving the distinctive style. It also happens to match Sam Sam’s markings quite nicely.
It is smoother and simpler to browse and read articles on your mobile device. And for the built-in Mystery Synths, we have added MIDI input support!
You can play the synths with an external MIDI controller or sequencer using either the network or (on iPads) a class-compliant MIDI USB device. We will have some video demos of this soon.
If you have an iOS device, please do try out the app and let us know what you think! 😺

CatSynth Video: Playing the Prodigy on Poison-202 synthesizer
From jimpavloff on YouTube, via matrixsynth.
“Playing the Prodigy ‘Out Of Space’, ‘Omen’ and ‘Break & Enter’ on Poison-202: new professional MIDI synthesizer app for iOS with fancy retro rave patches
Wait for the cat at the end 😸
CatSynth video: ZiggyCat Purr FieldScaper Leaf Blower Orgy Of Noise Bill T Miller Drone Session
From Bill T Miller on YouTube, via matrixsynth.
Published on Jun 16, 2016
Ziggy Cat & Bill T Miller of Orgy Of Noise studio recording session at Headroom Studios Boston on December 5, 2015 (couple days before ZBC Radio appearance) –….BTM RIG with FieldScaper iPad App with Ziggy Cat Purr & Leaf Blower Drone Samples controlled by Arturia Mini Lab Keyboard & custom BTM Spring-O-Phone instrument with Korg Mini-Kaoss Pad for Delay. (Moog Mother-32 Synth is pictured, but not used on this composition.)
Directed & Edited by Bill T Miller
Cameras: Bill T Miller & Sheri Hausey
Co-Producer / Assistant Editor: Ziggy CatX-tra THANX to Ziggy & Sheri
and Igor Vasiliev for creating FieldScaper & SoundScaper apps
and to DJ Deftly-D & DJ Josh B at WZBC Radio.
CatSynth: The App! 2.0 for iOS is released!
We at CatSynth are excited to announce the release of the 2.0 version of our iOS app knows as CatSynth: The App!. It has a redesigned modernist interface for browsing and reading articles. And the biggest change is that you can now record and share performances with the built-in Mystery Synths!
If you already have the app (thanks!), we strongly recommend that you update to the new version. If not, we encourage you to give it a try. And for our friends on Android, we hope to have a 2.x version in the not-too-distant future.
CatSynth: The App! for iOS 1.4.142 is released!
We’re happy to release the first major update for the iPhone/iPad version of CatSynth: The App!. 1.4.142 (yes, it’s the square root of 2) has the following new features and improvements:
- New Mystery Synth #3!
- Facebook or email login for comments, favorites and more.
- Numerous bug fixes and under-the-hood improvements
It’s that last one that really took the longest: the under-the-hood improvements using a completely rebuilt backend. We might have more to say about the technology that went into it (it’s pretty cool from the point of view of a computer-science geek), but for now we simply ask that if you have an iPhone or iPad, please download and enjoy the new app.
And yes, 1.4.142 for Android is coming soon, too!
CatSynth: The App! is live in the App Store
We at CatSynth are excited to announce the release of CatSynth: The App! for all iThingies (iPhone, iPad and iPod touch). It is available in the App Store now!
CatSynth : The App! brings you the odd world of cats, synthesizers, music, art and more in a beautiful interface optimized for your handheld device or tablet. New articles are added quite often, so we hope you come back frequently to check them out. And you can always make new and unusual music with the included Mystery Synths!
It should work on all devices running iOS 7.1 or later. Please check it out, maybe leave us a nice review, but most of all just enjoy it. And for our friends on the Android platform, don’t worry, we should be releasing the app for Android quite soon 🙂
CatSynth video: Vincent and iPad Impaktor synth
From Aaron Apter on YouTube, submitted by both Ville Väisänen via our Facebook page and Veronica Pejril via Twitter.
My cat Vincent is actually a synthesizer. A fluffy, orange synthesizer. I’m using Impaktor, which captures Vince’s acoustic impulses and uses them to excite various sound modules. With the aid of my iPad, Vinny and I kick out some jams. For more info on my other iOS music ventures, visit
Watch the video to the end to see how Vincent feels about this project.