CatSynth pic: Maplin ETI4600 Synth

Originally from this auction, via matrixsynth, where you can see additional pictures.

The description from the auction (below), is worth a quick read.

“Firstly, this is NOT a synthesiser. It’s a machine for travelling through time and space – sideways. Transport yourself to the far flung corners of the universe and beyond. For some of you, it may be a one way ticket…

As is often the case with these rare beasts, a lot of work initially needed doing. Jim at ‘Singing Cat Services’ has been a godsend, performing shamanic rewiring rituals, voodoo based calibration and much cat orientated strangeness…

… So, if you’re looking to recreate the BBC radiophonic workshop, or have just got too old to drop acid, this is the tool for you!

In short, a delicious slice of history.”