Video soffter on YouTube. Seen via matrixsynth.
Sascha with Squarp Pyramid MK2, Roland, Arturia, Behringer

Sascha is back! We see his Squarp Pyramid MK2 along with the usual offerings from Roland, Behringer and Arturia. From Neil Parker of Space Kitty. You can see more photos of Sascha and the late great Blixa via their tags.
Sascha in the Studio (Roland, Squarp Pyramid MK2 and more)

Sascha is back in the studio and ready for some attention. Behind him are the offerings from Roland and the Squarp Pyramid MK2 (to the left of Sasha’s rear).
From Neil Parker of Space Kitty, via Facebook.
I really need to get stuff done, pay some bills and this guy wants pets and head boops.
You can see more photos of Sascha and the late great Blixa via their tags.