Weekend Cat Blogging: High

Luna is way up on the ledge:

How high is it?

Rather high indeed:

One might even say “we couldn’t get much higher.” Perhaps this will earn us a ban, as it did for someone else in 1967.

Weekend Cat Blogging #156 is being hosted by Megan and the Bad Kitty Cats. Sadly, they are one fewer with the passing of one of the new kittens, Skimbleshanks. You can see a very sweet photo of him with Zed Monster.

The Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos is elsewhere at Mind of Mog.

The Carnival of the Cats will be hosted this Sunday by the “cat boys” Kashim and Othello.

And of the Friday Ark is at the modulator.

Weekend Cat Blogging: The Heat

The temperature hit 97F (35C) yesterday, which is exceptionally hot for San Francisco. Felt great to me, but it's a bit too much for the ketzela.

Here we see Luna trying to beat the heat resting under her new favorite table:

Even in the heat, she seems to have a sense of style. And fun. Note the cardboard furniture box to the left. Luna has always been fond of cardboard boxes, and this new one is no exception. Lots of fun for the teeth and claws, especially when you don't have to move far to reach it.

Like we said, this has been an exceptionally warm few days. It is famously cold and foggy during the summer months (June, July and August), though less so in our neighborhood. But it has been delightful to spend warm evenings out on the patio; and that “incipient warmth” in the morning, where the air still has a chill but one can feel it disappearing quickly. And with the energy of the city all around us…

It's never too hot for Weekend Cat Blogging, which is going on at Chey's Place.

The Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos is returning home to the Bad Kitty Cats Journal this weekend.

The Carnival of Cats will be going up this Sunday at Artsy Catsy

And of course the Friday Ark is at the modulator.

Weekend Cat Blogging: A Busy Week

Every week is a busy week here at CatSynth, but this past week has been exceptionally so. Of course, there was the show and all the preparations. Work was more intense than usual as well. Also a fun this week, good food and drink and friends; and a volunteer activity. And lest we forget, the Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos last weekend.

But in the midst of all of that, Luna makes sure to get the attention she deserves:

As the studio takes shape, old activities return, like pawing at my chair for attention, and resting in the beanbag.

And now, we rest:

Some very sad news from our friends Megan and the Bad Kitty Cats. Braum Kitty and Rimbaud have passed away in tragic circumstances, and are dearly missed by their family. There is joy as well, with the new kittens the “Three Blind Mice.” And they will be hosting the Carnival of the Cats this weekend.

The Cat Blogosphere has this wonderful tribute to mothers, feline and humans.

More food and friends. Weekend Cat Blogging #153 is being hosted by sher and Laura and Pumpkin. Laura is growing and looking more like Luna.

The Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos is being hosted by Sleeping Mommy. And of course the Friday Ark #190 is at the modulator.

Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos #43

We welcome everyone to the 43rd Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos. And, not surprisingly, we have some chaos with the official Blog Carnival site being out of service as the weekend began. But we still have many cats who joined us, so let's get started.

The theme of the week's festival is music, art and technology. And the cat boys Kashim and Othello get us started with their talents in singing and music criticism.

Over at Life from a Cat's Perspective, Samantha shows off her skills in the visual arts. Meanwhile, Mr. Tigger goes techno.

The kittens at Sleeping Mommy are all extremely cute . But Colby has found a pair of headphones, for some music and relaxation.

It looks to us like Cece is about to break into song at iInfidel. But he prefers this photo to the one posted at Mind of Mog.

Gree reminds us that “a sleeping cat is a work of art” at the House of the (Mostly) Black Cats.

Cheysuli takes to the road and presents Find Chey Friday posted at Chey’s Place.

We're not the only ones who thing about wild cats. As wild cats move into cities, it raises some significant issues. A few of these are discussed on Everyone Needs Therapy/

Meanwhile, at Pet's Garden Blog, SonnyBob wants to know .. where are da fishies

Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos is coming to CatSynth

We are going to be hosting the Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos here at CatSynth this weekend.

The optional theme is music, art, or technology.

To participate, submit your aticle, submit your post to festivalofchaos at gmail dot com or contact us.

More fun can be found at Weekend Cat Blogging with Kashim and Othello and Astrid.

The Carnival of the Cats is coming this Sunday to Grace and Kittens.

And of course the Friday Ark is at the modulator.

Weekend Cat Blogging: Wildcats, House Panthers and "erf day"

Luna continues to enjoy her “House Panther” status and all the warm compliments. But this weekend, we celebrate cats both domestic and wild, just as we did last year on Earth Day (or “erf day”).

We start again with the Cat Specialist Group of the World Conservation Union (CSG), but focusing on something positive. They are featuring a study of the jungle cat (Felis chaus) and leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis), pictured to the right:

The family Felidae is well represented in India, with 15 species occurring here, making it the richest in cats worldwide. However, except for the large cats the rest figure very poorly in research and conservation policies in the country, probably because of their rarity and elusive nocturnal habits, coupled with cumbersome bureaucratic formalities in studying rare species. Fortunately, in the past few years non-invasive molecular techniques have been introduced in wildlife research in India, which has made small cat research easier.

Another endangered cat of India and Southeast Asia is the Fishing Cat. It is a close relative of the leopard cat, and shares some of the same habitat. However, the fishing cat (not surprisingly) is better adapted to hunting and eating fish, and is an excellent swimmer.

The fishing cat is one of many species featured in The Smithsonian National Zoo's Cat Conservation Project.

Note that these are all “small cats”, which often do not get the attention of the larger cat species, which are of course magnificent and also seriously endangered in many cases. Certainly, the small cats share some of the endearing qualities in appearance to our domestic felines (which are believed to be descendants of African wild cats).

Few wild cats resemble their domestic counterparts more than the Oncilla of South America. However, it seems relatively little is known about this species of cat. According to the CSG, it has never been studied in the wild, and little is known about its behavior or population. However, it is been trapped in the past for the fur trade:

n 1971, 28,000 pelts were counted in Brazilian warehouses, and in 1983, 84,500 skins were exported from Paraguay (Broad 1988)

The Oncilla closely resembles the better known Margay, which inhabits both Central and South America, and is not considered endangered. They are skillful tree climbers, and sometimes referred to as “Tree Ocelots,” taking the name from one of the more well-known wild cats of the Americas.

If you interested in this topic, please visit last year's article, which discusses some of the worlds most endangered cats, including the Iberian Lynx, which continues to be the most endangered in the world, with an estimated population in the hundred. Also, the intriguing little Andean Mountain Cat, illustrated to the right.

And speaking of house panthers…

Weekend Cat Blogging #151 is hosted by Luna's “twin” Puddy, along with Katie of A Byootaful Life.

And that's not all. The Carnival of the Cats is being hosted by the Diamond Emerald Eyes (whose mom created Luna's collage at the top of this article) at House Panthers!

The Bengal Brats may not be “house panthers”, but we still love them. They are hosting the Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos at Pet's Garden Blog.

And lest we forget, the friday ark is at the modulator.