black cat
Post-weekend Cat Blogging with Luna
It was a rather eventful weekend here with a film project and then a bit of unexpected excitement around a show at Berkeley Arts last night featuring Pitta of the Mind. In the end, everything went well, though Luna would have preferred less excitement. Here she is coming out of hiding after my friends from the film project left and reclaiming her territory.
She is quite fond of this toy piano. I have even heard her press the keys, though I haven’t been able to capture it yet.
Weekend Cat Blogging with Luna: Modernist Poses
Luna has long been comfortable in her modernist surroundings, at it is a common subject of her weekend visits to CatSynth. In the photo above, she is striking one of her attention-getting cute poses against the circular geometry of the rug and the angular lines of the glass table.
In those photo, she has a more elegant pose, the classic “reclining cat” from many works of art. But she also has a little bit of attitude and disdain her expression, probably directed towards me for snapping pictures.
The Carnival of the Cats will be hosted by Ritzi iInfidel.
And the Friday Ark is at the modulator.
Weekend Cat Blogging with Luna: Listening Intently.
During yesterday’s rainy morning, Luna sat with me as I listened to the final master for Reconnaissance Fly’s new album. I snapped this close-up with the iPad. She was so calm and poised. And she did listen to the music. I think her favorite track was Oh Goldfinch Cage, not just because of the subject matter, but because its timbral texture is quite different from anything else on the album, with more isolated percussion and sound effects. Lots of things to perk up both cat and human ears.
Weekend Cat Blogging with Luna: Cuteness
The third show of “Three Show Weekend” is coming up in a few hours. It’s been a busy week, not just with the shows but also rehearsals and work. But I still make quite a bit of time for Luna. And who wouldn’t when confronted with an ultra-cute guilt trip like this.
Luna has perfected her cute poses and guilt trips, especially over the past year. And she knows it works. It doesn’t prevent me from getting to work in the morning, but it does sometimes make me a few minutes late.
CatSynth pic: Samba & MicroKorg
Weekend Cat Blogging with Luna: Day of Rest
It’s not unusual for Luna to spend most of her day napping in sun puddles, but it’s a rare occasion when I get do so as well. This month has been rewarding but also exhausting, with work, the Portland trip, multiple shows and sundry other events and obligations. Fortunately, this weekend is largely free and thus a good time to rest as well as attend to health and home. And of course to spend time with Luna.
The Carnival of the Cats will be up this Sunday at Mind of Mog.
And the Friday Ark is at the modulator.
Black Cat Appreciation Day
Today, August 17 is officially Black Cat Appreciation Day. Of course, that could apply to any day here at CatSynth.
My black cat Luna, who was originally adopted from a shelter, certainly gets a lot of appreciation and love.
Black cats are sleek and gorgeous. And I have often found them to be among the most sweet and affectionate of cats. Luna is no exception on either front.
Sadly, black cats are still among the last to be adopted from shelters in the United States. Whether it’s lingering superstition or plain bias is hard to say. I see way too many heartbreaking stories of abandoned black cats in kill shelters reaching the end of their time. Black Cat Appreciation Day is an effort to highlight the plight of black shelter cats but also to celebrate them as wondrous companions. This video, from the Meadow Lake Humane Society of Saskatchewan, Canada, always gets to me:
There are numerous local groups on Facebook and elsewhere dedicated to helping black cats, and I encourage interested readers to check them out.
Weekend Cat Blogging with Luna: Napping near the Artwork
Cats always find interesting places to nap. For Luna, that sometimes means next to the standing artwork. We have quite a few free-standing 3D pieces in the collection at CatSynth HQ.
Luna will probably be napping quite a bit this weekend, as I will be spending most of it in the studio with Reconnaissance Fly as complete the final mixes for our upcoming album. In the evenings, I will be back here to work on a completely different musical project, my electronic solo show in Portland next Saturday. But Luna gets to sit in and supervise that one.
Carnival of the Cats will be hosted this Sunday by Samantha, Clementine and Maverick.
And the Friday Ark is at the modulator.