The theme of this weekend’s Photo Hunt is addiction, which leads to the obligatory catnip photo for Weekend Cat Blogging:

Of course, Luna’s real addiction seems to be grass:

Not only does she enjoy her little pot of grass, but will also immediately find blades growing out of flower pots on our patio (something I wish she would not do).
Lest we pick on cats entirely, we at CatSynth have many other “addictions”:

This is perhaps still my favorite red-wine photo from the archives.

Here are some colorful cocktails, which also symbolize our “addiction” to color and geometry:

Sometimes the visual aspect is better than the taste.
We at CatSynth are certainly addicted to our environment, our life in the city, the visual stimulation, our home, music, playing with cats. In truth, one needs only to browse the pages of this site or visit our photo gallery to witness images of “addiction.” Blogging itself is an addictive activity, and indeed must be in order to be successful.
Weekend Cat Blogging #255 is hosted by Pam at sidewalk shoes.
Photo Hunt 210 is hosted as always by tnchick. This week’s theme is addiction.
The Carnival of the Cats will be up this Sunday, hosted by Kashim, Othello and Salome
And the friday ark is at the modulator.