From aarntalbot on Instagram.
You can submit your own photos by following us on Instagram and tagging your photos with #catsynth.
From aarntalbot on Instagram.
You can submit your own photos by following us on Instagram and tagging your photos with #catsynth.
Adorable little black kitten checking out its latest composition.
From CallingAllAstronauts on Twitter, via our friend scatterfilter.
If you have a cat-and-gear picture to share, you can always do so by tweeting us @catsynth.
While we are focused on cats, occasionally a photo with other animals is too cute to pass up, such as this one of budgies taking over a Casio keyboard.
This actually marks the second “birdsynth” picture, as we featured an owl here.
It was a rather eventful weekend here with a film project and then a bit of unexpected excitement around a show at Berkeley Arts last night featuring Pitta of the Mind. In the end, everything went well, though Luna would have preferred less excitement. Here she is coming out of hiding after my friends from the film project left and reclaiming her territory.
She is quite fond of this toy piano. I have even heard her press the keys, though I haven’t been able to capture it yet.
Submitted by John F. Elberstein via Twitter. The keyboard being danced upon is obviously a Nord Lead, but we are leaving identification of the lower keyboard as an exercise to the reader 🙂
From Taki76 on YouTube:
I need to find this cat toy keyboard! It would be great for circuit bending and future performances.