CatSynth Video: Apocalypse, Urgency and Chaos & Synth Cat

From hadesofspades·3 on YouTube, via matrixsynth, where you can find an additional video.

“What Apocalypse? Silly Mayans.

Here’s another performance on my Korg EMX1SD, Kaossilator Pro and Kaoss pad Quad. This time the Kpro has some reverb applied to it on my Behringer NOX606 mixer (not in frame), which I think sounds outstanding!

Once again, a couple of minor mistakes here and there, but I’m happy
with it!

More music to come!
Thanks for listening and liking ;)”

Superb Owl

To mark this occasion, we thought we would share some superb owls.

[By Peter Trimming from Croydon, England (‘Tutoke’Uploaded by snowmanradio) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons]

[By GalliasM (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons[]

And we even found an “Owl Synth Pic” 🙂

[From Mike Peakcock2005 from flickr.]

And finally, check out this review of a performance by Tiny Owl.

NAMM: Korg MS-20 Mini

One of the most anticipated synthesizers of this year’s NAMM show is the Korg MS-20 Mini. And here it is:

This is basically a classic MS-20, including the analog circuitry, but in a modern replica of the case that is 86% of the original size. It also has MIDI and USB for external control. But of course it is really about the analog synthesis, and especially the filters. After getting my bearings on the device, I shut off the VCOs and set up both the hi-pass and low-pass filters to self-oscillate. This us the signature sound of the original instrument, and while it’s difficult to tune self-oscillating filters they did seem playable for arpeggios or lines.

The street price appears to by $599, although it is not shipping yet. Korg has been good at reintroducing its classic technologies at affordable prices. And it is certainly a lower price tag than the other covetable instruments I reviewed yesterday.

CatSynth pic: ::: The Korg Has Landed :::

via XBS and matrixsynth.

“This track consists of the Roland TR 909 from here and the Korg from here… Also, the Korg bloops in the breaks are triggering from a master clock. the same clock is driving the TR 909 via R-sync and Simmons SDSV Via 96 Sequencer clock ( With MFB sequencer ) here… it’s awesome when everyone talks synth!”  Including cats in freakin’ outer space!