Our final CatSynth pic of 2021 features our old pal Runkl from Portland posing handsomely next to a rather large modular system. He even has his patch cables collected up nicely.
Submitted by Jeph Nor (Runkl’s human) via our Facebook page.
Our final CatSynth pic of 2021 features our old pal Runkl from Portland posing handsomely next to a rather large modular system. He even has his patch cables collected up nicely.
Submitted by Jeph Nor (Runkl’s human) via our Facebook page.
Happy Birthday to our synth-cat friend Runkl in Portland! From Jeph Nor:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO RUNKL!!! Our best little goofy cuddle ninja
Jeph hosts the Volt Divers series that I played at in April. If you are in Portland, I recommend checking it out.
Our feline friend Runkl is back with an Arturia Microbrute analog synthesizer from his collection.
You can see some of Runkl’s previous appearances here.
Our friend Runkl returns with another portrait in front of the modular synth. Submitted by Jeph Nor via Facebook.