Orion, Serge Panels, and more

Orion returns, and handsome as ever! His collection of Serge Panels seems to be growing 😺. We do see the Sequential P6 off to the left. Behind him, we see some classic audio gear including Culture Vulture, Joe Meek, and a Retro Revolver compressor.

Submitted by Justin Sullivan, aka justin3am. You can check out some of his music and other media via his website.

Orion in the Studio

Orion joins us again. He’s doing scratch’n’roll in front of a tower of synths including a Waldorf Quantum (a unit we at CatSynth have lusted after), a Linnstrument, Sequental P6, AMS Hydrasynth Desktop, and more. It looks like they have also installed the Serge panels from this previous post into the larger studio setup.

From Justin Sullivan (@justin3am) on Twitter.

Orion and Eurorack Serge (Random*Source)

Orion the gray tuxedo cat sits behind a Eurorack serge modular system with numerous patch cables.

Orion shows off a complex patch on a Eurorack Serge system featuring modules by Random*Source. From Justin Sullivan (@justin3am) on Twitter.

We at CatSynth have long been curious about those Serge modules from Random*Source as a way of exploring Serge-style modular synthesis in more detail. The underlying premise is building up complexity from very simple building blocks like slope generators.

You can see all of Orion’s appearances via this tag.

CatSynth Video: Electrofunk Cat (Shadow Justice Crew)

Cute cat with a modular system featuring Bug Brand and Serge-inspired modules.  From Shadow Justice Crew on Instagram.