We at CatSynth welcome everyone to the 290th Carnival of the Cats!

With our continued technical problems with CatSynth, it was a bit of a challenge to get this done before Sunday became a day other than Sunday, but here we are, and without further delay let us continue with the carnival…
First up, we have this textured and tender photograph from jams o donnell at The Poor Mouth.

More photography, this time a study in beige featuring Hakuna of Blog d’Elisson. Of course we prefer the official title of Latte e Cioccolatto.

At Elms in the Yard, Catschka is getting into all sorts of trouble. First she stalks an unsuspecting Her Ladyship, and then gets up on the neighbor’s sukkah without permission (for those unfamiliar with the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, go look it up). There is also a visit from Ms. Neighborcat.

Meowza’s activities are a bit more mundane, as he celebrates “Finally Friday” at Mind of Mog by washing himself.

Maddie of StrangeRanger has the right idea for this now-waning weekend: take it easy.

Diamond Emerald Eyes, who is also hosting Weekend Cat Blogging, has information on the HAPPY bill, a “very impurrrtant bill in House would allow pet caregivers to take a deduction on their tackes for pet care. We urge all humans, write to their representative supporting this bill!” It’s a start, but we at CatSynth would prefer to see the public option added to the bill.
At The Cat Post Intelligencer, there are lots of things the Cheysuli and family are thankful for this week, including this photo:

Autumn is coming, and Willow is enjoying the cooler weather, and very contentedly sits on the porch and watches for chipmunks.

Meanwhile, China Cat rediscovers her cozy bed as a preferred way to cope with the cooler weather. That certainly sounds like a good plan to us.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and sammawow presents Jeter’s Mom’s Breast Cancer 3-day walk, where is taking place here in San Francisco this weekend. Please visit and find out more about this great cause.

A final note, our friends and frequent hosts of Weekend Cat Blogging Samantha and Mr Tigger are missing! We are sending good thoughts and hope they are safely home again soon.
That concludes this week’s Carnival. Thanks for joining us. Next week, the carnival returns to Mind of Mog.