Sora and Novation Bass Station

It’s been a little while since we featured Sora on CatSynth, and she was starting to get a little jealous of Tuna with his recent appearances. So here is Sora sitting on a Novation Bass Station. We always love seeing her.

Submitted by thedigitalpurrgatory via Instagram. And please follow us on Instagram, too 😻

Fifa and Dude with Korg Minilogue and Roland MC-202

Meet Fifa and Dude, two new kittens at thedigitalpurrgatory! Dude is the black-and-white kitten above (who reminds me a bude of Sam Sam), and Fifa is gray-and-white below. They are both posing with the Korg Minilogue synthesizer.

The one who has a soccer ball patch pattern is Fifa. Black-and-white is Dude.

They’re showing off the wares they inherited from cats who lived here before.

You can see this picture of Sora’s Kittens and the Yamaha DX100 when they were younger and nursing.