Meet Blue, who sits atop a keyboard and keys a few keys for us. We also see a Zoom H2 recorder. Submitted by Mike Sheldon via Mastodon.
This is Blue, certain music causes her to come and yell at me until I stop.
Meet Blue, who sits atop a keyboard and keys a few keys for us. We also see a Zoom H2 recorder. Submitted by Mike Sheldon via Mastodon.
This is Blue, certain music causes her to come and yell at me until I stop.
This cat is ready to serenade us with a tune on the Novation X-Station keyboard synth. We also see an Arturia MicroFreak “Stellar Hybrid” edition, and a Zoom MRS-8 recorder.
From EnnoVelthuys via Twitter/X.
Ringo performs on a Korg TR-61 synthesizer, accompanied by other instruments from Korg, Waldorf, Roland, Zoom, and more.
Submitted by our friend Damien Olson via our Facebook page. You can see some of our adventures with Damien in New York via this tag.
Here is another video of Ringo taking a break next to the Korg Nautilus keyboard
Ringo joins us from Brooklyn and shares with us a brief jam on a Roland SP-404SX, Korg TR 61 workstation, Zoom G3 effects box, and Waldorf Blofeld. From our friend Damien Olsen.
You can see a bit of a show that both Damien and I played in Brooklyn back in 2019
A friend Leo returns. He is inspecting the new studio setup featuring an Access Virus, Arturia Keystep Pro, and Zoom R16 interface/controller.
From our (human) friend @EvanUnoArt on Twitter. Please also check out his website evanuno.com
Leo is clearly proud of his minimalist road-ready setup featuring an Access Virus, Roland SP404sx, and Arturia Keystep Pro. Submitted by our friend @6bq9music via Twitter.
Here are some more pics of Leo with his setup.