From allisonallison on flickr.
I see a Korg MS2000 and various Nord keyboards.
Readers can always submit their own cat-and-gear pictures via facebook, twitter @catsynth, or contacting us.
From allisonallison on flickr.
I see a Korg MS2000 and various Nord keyboards.
Readers can always submit their own cat-and-gear pictures via facebook, twitter @catsynth, or contacting us.
From hyperdust7 on YouTube, via matrixsynth.
Quick view around the Fernforest Project Studio. My black cat likes sitting on things that are black and stylish. He thinks he fits in well and looks cool.
Synths in order – Doepfer Modular A-100, Moog Etherwave Theremin, Moog Voyager Old School, Schlagswerg analogue drum machine, CP-251 moog control processor, Dave Smith Mopho and Tetra, Mackie Onyx firewire mixer, PC, M-Audio Oxygen 25, NI Maschine and a Monome my brother built.
The music is called “Dark Glow” by me. you can find the whole track on soundcloud.
For today’s combined Weekend Cat Blogging and Photo Hunt theme of Drink, we both dig into the CatSynth archives and present some more iPhone Hipstamatic experiments.
First, from the archives (all the way back to 2007), we see Luna enjoying a drink of water:
And some experimental photos of cat figurines and a modernist shot glass.
I tried two different settings. I like the black-and-white film simulation, but I also wanted a color version to bring out the blue color of the glass.
And one more of Luna today wandering by my morning cup of coffee:
Weekend Cat Blogging will be hosted by Kashim, Othello and Salome at PaulChen FoodBlog?!”
Photo Hunt: Drink (#279) is hosted by tnchick.
The Carnival of the Cats will be hosted tomorrow by When Cats Attack!
And the Friday Ark is at the modulator
Today’s combined Weekend Cat Blogging and Photo Hunt features the theme of ONE.
Of course, there is only one Luna. No one can dispute that. And this particular pose features one paw sticking out.
We also veer away from cats and into the realm of highways with California Highway 1. This view from Pescadero (between San Francisco and Santa Cruz) is a quintessential image of our coastal highway.
This one is further north, crossing over a harbor in Fort Bragg, in Mendocino County.
Although thought am sure I have lots of images of Highway 1, they have become rather hard to keep track of in the ever increasing library. (It’s hard to keep track of all the Luna photos as well, for that matter.) Tagging and naming files does help, but I would like to use image similarity search as well. Does anyone have any suggestions for this?
Weekend Cat Blogging #323 is hosted by Samantha and Clementine at Life from a Cat’s Perspective
The Photo Hunt #278 is hosted by tnchick. This week’s theme is one.
The Carnival of the Cats will be hosted this Sunday by Nikita and Elvira at Meowsings of an Opinionated Pussycat.
And the Friday Ark is at the modulator.
Today we present Luna with the Wicks Looper.
Black cat with a small synthesizer that contains a black cat…
Luna is making a rare Monday appearance for World Cat Day. Of course, every day feels like “cat day” here, but we’re happy to participate with this elegant photo.
From stylinghead on YouTube.
I recently downloaded an iPad game for cats by Hiccup for Luna to try out. For a cat that spends a lot of time surrounded by technology, including the iPad, she is quite reluctant to touch it, so I wasn’t quite sure how she would react.
The game features a little mouse that resembles a cat toy scurrying around the screen. When the cat (or human) hits the mouse, it emits a little squeak and the player receives points; and the process repeats. That’s it – very simple. I started it up for Luna, and she immediately went to tracking the mouse intently, her little head shifting back and forth in deliberate motions. Tentatively, after a while, she started to paw at it, and eventually managed to pounce on the mouse. She seemed to be quite enjoying it, though she was still a little nervous and often backed away from the device after a pounce.
Here a brief excerpt of her first day of playing:
This is really just a little diversion for both of us to enjoy together, Luna playing with a virtual toy that draws her attention, and my taking delight in watching her do so. But this is clearly a demonstration of user engagement in the app space, for both cats and humans. Sometimes simplicity wins out.
I set up the game again in the office/studio while writing this article, and managed to get a brief iPhone video of Luna’s play. As one can see, she has gotten a bit more confident, even aggressive with it.
This does not seem to be a good game to play a small cluttered space.
Weekend Cat Blogging #321 is hosted by Pam with Coco, Patchouli and Smudge at Pam’s Sidewalk Shoes.
The Carnival of the Cats will be hosted this Sunday by CAT SMRT.
And the Friday Ark is at the modulator.
Weekend Cat Blogging will be hosted here at CatSynth next weekend, so do check then and submit your cat-related blog posts. New participants are always welcome.
The theme for this week’s combined Weekend Cat Blogging and Photo Hunt is Patch. We at CatSynth have an alternative take on the theme, as Luna poses with a Korg MS-20 patch on the iPad:
As a bonus, the app’s simulated interface features patch cords. They’re a little challenging to manipulate on the screen, but the make for nice visuals.
Appropriately for an iPad-centric post, Weekend Cat Blogging #320 is hosted by Meowza at his blog iMeowza.
Photo Hunt 275 is hosted by tnchick. This week’s theme is Patch.
The Carnival of the Cats will be hosted this Sunday by Nikita and Elvira at Meowsings of an Opinionated Pussycat.
And the Friday Ark is at the modulator.
Today we mark the 5th Anniversary of CatSynth!
I started this site on July 19, 2006 as a novelty when a friend and former colleague at E-MU systems suggested that I “should make a website about cats and synths.”
Every anniversary we feature the photo of Luna from the inaugural post.
I still have that Novation keyboard, though it does not get used as often of late. Luna of course still is very territorial about that beanbag chair. Times have changed a bit, here is an iconic photo of Luna from this past year, this time with an iPad app (in this case, the Smule Magic Piano):
Another quirky way we like to celebrate is with statistics. First the basics:
1559 posts.
0.85 posts per day.
5.63 comments per post.
476 posts featuring cats and synthesizers.
195 reviews (and gig reports).
381,735 visitors.
Even after five years, people from around the world continue to send us pictures of cats and music gear. These days most of those come via our Facebook, which together with twitter has become a major way people engage with this site.
From Google Analytics (which we finally got working properly over the past year), here is an overview of where our visitors come from around the world.
By far and away most of our visitors are from the United States, followed by the United Kingdom, Canada, India, Australia, France and Germany. I’m gratified to see so many visitors from India, though I’m curious why we never receive any comments from there…
It’s also interesting to look at cities.
Not surprisingly, the top cities are San Francisco and New York. In Google, it’s SF followed by NYC, while in Facebook, New York is the top city.
Our most popular posts judged by number of visitors are the annual endangered wild cats on earth day. Over the past year, our most commented posts were:
Our top commenters the past year:
Kitty | 199 |
Mickey, Georgia and Tillie | 146 |
Gattina | 94 |
CatSynth | 90 |
The Chair Speaks | 66 |
meowmeowmans | 65 |
Snowcatcher | 56 |
AVCr8teur | 51 |
Daisy the Curly Cat | 48 |
Cats of Wildcat Woods | 41 |
Beth @ 990 Square | 40 |
Thanks to all our friends (in time zones earlier than U.S. Pacific Daylight Time) who already sent in comments for the anniversary, and to the Cat Blogosphere for their anniversary shout-out!
And while we will continue to keep doing what we do, it has been more of a challenge over this past year to keep up with posts, especially the longer-form reviews. There is a trade between doing music and art, and writing about people doing music and art. But I still love doing everything here, and will find a way…
Our foggy, overcast summer days in San Francisco make for great cat photography:
Luna enjoys looking out the window, and a nice stretch.
Weekend Cat Blogging #319 is in honor of Sher, one of the original WCB participants we met back in 2006, who tragically passed away in July, 2008. Like many longtime participants, Sher was primarily a food blogger, and in tribute we made one of her recipes. Between work, music and social events we haven’t had much time to cook here at CatSynth HQ – and as I look back through the archives, that has happened each July since 2009. But we will make time this summer to try out a new recipe and share it on an upcoming weekend.
Weekend Cat Blogging #319 and Carnival of the Cats will be hosted this weekend by Billy SweetFeets.
And the friday ark is at the modulator.