Saruman, Yamaha SK50D, Strymon Timeline and Roland TR-707

Our friend Saruman listens to a new jam by Héctor Genis on the Yamaha SK50D and Roland TR-707, with the Strymon Timeline pedal melding it all together.

It’s quite remarkable how still Saruman is. He is clearly relaxed and in a comfy place sitting and listening to the music.

Maci and Modular

Macy is lollygagging around the modular, where we see a Mutable Instruments Clouds, an E350 Morphing Terrarium from Synthesis Technology (a favorite of ours), and a Mutable Instruments Beads.

In this view above, we see Ripples, also from Mutable Instruments, and a Belgrad filter from Xaoc.

Submitted by Krasi Yonchev via our Facebook page.