CatSynth pic: Luna, Minimoog, and Luna NT


Luna has reclaimed her beanbag chair in the recently reorganized studio. So here we see her sitting underneath the Minimoog (right) and appropriately named Luna NT form Noise Research (Left).

The new design/organization is not quite done yet, but getting there. Expect more pics in the near future.

CatSynth pic: Soft Lightning interview with I♥SYNTHS


Interview with Soft Lightning by I♥SYNTHS.

♥SYNTHS: You love your cats. Are they a big inspiration to your music? What are their names and what synths do they like the most?

Soft Lighting: I actually only have one cat and his name is Ziggy. My wife and I foster litters of kittens for our local shelter so we always have a bunch of new kittens around. They like ALL the synths and ALL the gear – especially hiding in the back of amplifiers.


There are quite a few more cat-and-synth photos in this post, I suspect a few more of them may show up here as well 🙂

Via matrixsynth, where you can read all the interviews with well-known synth artists and see quite a bit of classic and modern gear.

Post-weekend Cat Blogging with Luna

It was a rather eventful weekend here with a film project and then a bit of unexpected excitement around a show at Berkeley Arts last night featuring Pitta of the Mind. In the end, everything went well, though Luna would have preferred less excitement. Here she is coming out of hiding after my friends from the film project left and reclaiming her territory.


She is quite fond of this toy piano. I have even heard her press the keys, though I haven’t been able to capture it yet.

Happy Gotcha Day, Luna!

Today, June 10, is the eighth anniversary of Luna’s adoption, otherwise known as her “gotcha day.” We woke up to find this wonderful graphic waiting at The Cat Blogosphere:


After eight years, Luna continues to make every day a delight I certainly hope I do the same for her.

AC and Luna

We will celebrate this evening, but in the meantime, please join me in wishing Luna a Happy Gotcha Day!