Some sad news today in the world of cats and synths. Oscar, the cat whose photo sitting inside a Moog modular went viral and delighted so many, has passed away. We at CatSynth extend our deepest condolences to Oscar’s family.
Cricket sits atop a (wisely covered) Moog Grandmother synthesizer.
Submitted by Spinning Voices via BlueSky.
Sidney Crosby sings along with a modular setup, Dave Smith Mopho, Arturia Mini Brute, and a Moog Mother 32.
Submitted by @bittersweetdb via Mastodon.
Grady poses handsomely atop a vintage Minimoog synthesizer. There is also a little stuffed “Tony the Tiger”, which is a nice touch.
From Doug Llewellyn via Instagram.
You can see Grady’s previous appearance here.
Ganesh poses with “Grandma”, i.e., a Moog Grandmother analog synthesizer.
Submitted by Mark Truesdell via BlueSky.
It’s rare that Sam Sam ever gets up on one of the synth desks, so when she did I rushed to snap some photos. This was the best one, with her standing on our vintage Octave CAT (safely covered) and inspecting the Arturia MiniBrute and RackBrute modular setup.
A full account of synth brands in this photo can be found in the tags.
This cat has a nice spot for resting about an Elektron Analog 4 (mk1); nearby we see a Moog Minitaur and Mother-32.
From audiographie via Instagram.
Our sweet from Olive jams on the Minimoog Voyager Electric Blue edition, and even sings a few notes for us at the end.
Jazzy peeks out from behind a massive Moog Modular on World Animal Day (which was last Friday).
From Eevo Lute via Facebook.
Jazzy on the world animal day studio session.
Gracie of Synthetic Dreamscapes poses with a Moog Little Phatty, the first of Moog’s new analog synth line that began in the mid-2000s. As such, this might be the “youngest” instrument we’ve seen her pose with to date.