Gracie and Oberheim DX

Gray and white cat stands on top of an Oberheim DX drum machine

Gracie is back, and performing her duties as quality assurance manager for Synthetic Dreamscapes. This time she is standing on an Oberheim DX drum machine.

The DX was the successor to the DMX digital drum machine. It’s a bit lighter, and although I believe it has fewer sounds it has an even more important feature: MIDI.

You can see Gracie’s many other appearances on CatSynth via her tag.

Gracie, LinnDrum, Oberheim SEM, dk Synergy

Gracie is ready to program her beats into the vintage LinnDrum, while standing on a dk Synergy synthesizer. Below her we see an Oberheim SEM, a PPG Wave 2.5.,… and another dk Synergy!

Gracie always gets to play the best vintage synths at Synthetic Dreamscapes 😺🎹

Gracie with Roland TR-808 and CSQ-600

Our friend Gracie of Synthetic Dreamscapes proudly shows off some vintage Roland boxes: the well-known TR-808 and the lesser-known CSQ-600 (that’s the one she’s actually standing on).

The CSQ-600 is a digital sequencer, but with analog CV and gate outputs (it predates MIDI). It allowed both step and real-time recording and had four separate sequences that could be chained or stacked. It could potentially fit as a sequencer in today’s analog modular systems.