Loki and Polymoog

Loki sits comfortably atop a vintage Polymoog synthesizer. From aagtive on Instagram, who provides the following commentary:

Been using the Polymoog keyboard more lately. I’m finding on its’ own it’s rather limited. But the rock organ bass with the filter on can be be quite strong and effective. Also, by building an audio effect rack even the piano preset can become something quite interesting like you heard on my previous post.

Each note has its own circuit board apparently. Perhaps that’s part of the charm. I also enjoy the wobbly sounds I get when it’s first powered on and hasn’t had time to warm up yet.


I did have the opportunity to see those boards on the inside of a Polymoog recently.

Sascha in the Studio (E-MU, Roland, Squarp, Korg)

Sasha has taken command in the studio! We see the Roland TR-707 and Squarp Pyramid that we saw in previous photos. We also see a stack of E-MU Proteus modules, including an Orbit and Planet Phatt; I believe there is a Proteus-2000-era module behind the cables as well. To the left, we see a Korg Wavestate synthesizer, and a Behringer Crave.

From Neil Parker of Space Kitty

CatSynth Pic: Orio with Make Noise synths and Echo Fix Tape Echo

Orion stands proudly atop en Echo Fix Tape Echo EF-X2. To the right, we see a collection of instruments from Make Noise: Strega, O-Coast, and 0-Ctrl. To his left, we also see a Joe Meek compressor and Meequalizer combo.

From justin3am on Twitter.

Pets for me, plx?

This handsome boy is so funny! He gets up here whenever I start pulling patch cables. He like rubbing his face on cables, so this is like him saying “If I can’t pet myself, you need to pick up the slack!”


We hope that he got the pets that he deserves!

You can see Orion’s previous appearances via his tag.