Weekend Cat Blogging with Luna: At Home

It’s been a while since Luna has made an appearance on CatSynth, a situation that is entirely my fault. But today we start to correct that with some photos of Luna over the past month.


I am happy to report that Luna is doing fine. The same busy-ness that has limited my posts here has sometimes meant less time to spend with her. And Luna does her part to make sure I feel solidly guilty about this.


When I am home, we do spend as much time together as we can, including relaxing together. This usually features copious amounts of cuddling and purring.


She can sometimes make it difficult for me to get up and do other things.

And of course, there is napping and sleeping. She is a cat after all. One recent day when she was exceptionally sleepy, I was able to tuck her into the covers for this cute picture.


I do hope to make this visits with Luna a regular feature again, along with the backlog of reviews and other posts in the queue. Such is life at this moment.

Carnival of the Cats 526


We at CatSynth are happy to be hosting the Carnival of the Cats this weekend! It has been a while since we last hosted – indeed we have been a little remiss on participating of late. But we’re happy to be doing so today, and even updated our banner to reflect the changes underway with San Francisco’s street signs. But without further ado, let us get on to the cats.


Over at StrangeRanger Maddie teaches us about the use of resources. Sunshine should be applied in the proper places, otherwise it is wasted.


Meanwhile, our friends at Elvira reviews some great toys with an assist from Sneakers. In addition to the feather toy, there were mousies and balls as well, all from The Natural Pet Company. On a related note, we are sending good healthy thoughts and restful thoughts for our friend Daddy Kiril who greatly overdid it this past week. Cats fortunately make great nurses. But please stop by to leave some words of encouragement.


Some good news about our friend Moosey at Animal Shelter Volunteer! His tests came back good, and his health is improving. He is home relaxing and quite contented with his humans, our friends Kevin and Tracey. We wish them all well.

We will continue to update through tonight as submissions come in, so please leave a comment or contact us if you like to be included.

Weekend Cat Blogging with Luna: Rain, Disorder, Hunting


Luna is enjoying a respite from the rain and play-hunting the birds outside on the patio. The stretch of rain is actually a good thing for us, considering that 2013 was the driest year on record for California. It also gives me a chance to concentrate on reorganizing CatSynth HQ, a project that has dragged on for a long time and left things here in a bit of disorder. You can still see a bit of it around Luna in the photo above.

CatSynth pic: Soft Lightning interview with I♥SYNTHS


Interview with Soft Lightning by I♥SYNTHS.

♥SYNTHS: You love your cats. Are they a big inspiration to your music? What are their names and what synths do they like the most?

Soft Lighting: I actually only have one cat and his name is Ziggy. My wife and I foster litters of kittens for our local shelter so we always have a bunch of new kittens around. They like ALL the synths and ALL the gear – especially hiding in the back of amplifiers.


There are quite a few more cat-and-synth photos in this post, I suspect a few more of them may show up here as well 🙂

Via matrixsynth, where you can read all the interviews with well-known synth artists and see quite a bit of classic and modern gear.

Weekend Cat Blogging with Luna: Play with me! (again)

Luna curled paws up

I caught Luna this morning, doing the adorable thing where she rolls onto her back and has her paws curled up. It’s a pose that screams “Play with me!” And I am happy to oblige.

This has been a quiet weekend after another few weeks of both excitement and tumult, and I think we are enjoying having the extra time to spend together.

Weekend Cat Blogging with Luna: Glass Table and Clothing Pile

As per usual, Luna is enjoying morning sunshine by sitting underneath one of our many glass tables at CatSynth HQ. Unfortunately, her favorite one is completely covered with piles of clothing right now, but that doesn’t stop her from claiming her usual spot.


The glass dining table has become a staging area for a major clothing purge. Here things are separated into items to be sold, donated or given to friends. After a zealous start, I have been busy with work and rehearsals for upcoming shows (including a performance tonight), so the piles remain for now. But Luna and I will both be happy when they disappear.

Weekend Cat Blogging with Luna: Minimoog!

Luna and Minimoog

Luna is inspecting the latest musical acquisition here at CatSynth HQ, a vintage Minimoog synth. She is always curious to check new arrivals out, with some close sniffing along with visual inspections. Then she looses interest. She is, after all, a cat.

The astute (and synth-savvy) observer may also notice a Mixtape Alpha sitting on top of the Minimoog. Both instruments offer interesting possibilities, the the tiny Mixtape Alpha is more practical for live performance.