2013, The Transformative Year

2013 Year End photo


[click image to enlarge]


Once again, it’s time for our traditional end-of-the-year image at CatSynth.   The past couple of years have all been good, rich, full, and sometimes complicated.  But 2013 has been particularly significant, certainly one that I will long remember.  As the title says, it has been a transformational time on multiple dimensions for me, indeed it has touched almost every aspect of my being.  There will be more to say on that in the coming days. Music and art have been going very well, too, and one of the main challenges of this coming year will be to build on the successes of this past year but in a more directed way.  If that sounds vague, it’s because I haven’t quite figured it out yet.

For Luna, things pretty much are the way the always are.  Such is the life of a contented house cat.  And we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Thanks to everyone who reads and supports this project, whether here at the blog, on Facebook, or through the many personal friendships that grown from here.  You are all what makes this work worthwhile!

Weekend Cat Blogging with Luna: Holiday Break

So this is mostly how Luna and I spent our two-day Christmas break.


Relaxation and comfort was the primary agenda. I didn’t even keep up the tradition of going out for Chinese food.

We hope you all had a good holiday as well, however you choose to spend it! And if you haven’t had a chance to check out last weekends SF SPCA holiday windows post, we recommend that you do so.

Weekend Cat Blogging with Luna: Belated Birthday

Luna Birthday Card

Finally, we have a free morning, so we are celebrating Luna’s birthday two weeks late. But we’re having fun, and Luna is enjoying getting a bit wasted on catnip. She also received a birthday card from a dear friend of ours.

After a short time, Luna went to sit contentedly in one of her favorite morning spots, under the glass. I am quite happy with this photo (snapped with my iPhone) that captures Luna’s natural beauty in an abstract setting.


While you’re here, please check out my report from my performance at Spectrum last month in New York. It even has a feline bit at the start.

Weekend Cat Blogging with Luna: Homecoming

Luna and tablas

The recent New York trip officially came to an end when I brought Luna home on Thursday. Changing locations is always a bit disorienting for her, but she quickly readjusted to her familiar home surroundings. She has also been very attached, looking for every opportunity to cuddle in my lap or at least sit next to me.

Luna lap

Yes, I do need to finish unpacking. It’s actually been quite busy since I returned, including a late-night gig with Surplus 1980 on Thursday and a show tonight with Reconnaissance Fly in Sacramento. But after that things calm down quite a bit. So we will have a proper but belated celebration for Luna’s birthday next week. Meanwhile, she is getting all the comfort and cuddles I can provide.

tillie_2204Finally, a sad note. We were heartbroken last week to hear about the passing of our friend Tillie. Tillie was from the kitty clan in Nova Scotia that also shared Mickey with us, and their mom has been one of our big supporters here at CatSynth. We often noted back and forth how much Tillie and Luna looked alike. We send the whole family our deepest sympathies for their loss.

Weekend Cat Blogging with Luna: Boarding Time

I am currently in New York, which means Luna is currently at her usual boarding place.


She adjusted to her surroundings fairly quickly. It is probably somewhat familiar as we have been boarding Luna here for most of my time in San Francisco. And the staff knows her and will probably be spoiling her while I’m gone.


They do make sure to provide one of her favorite rooms along the kitchen hallway, where she can see the human activity from a high perch just like at home.

I am currently focused on this trip, which should be an interesting one. But I do always look forward to being reunited with Luna when I return home.

Weekend Cat Blogging with Luna

There are times when I envy Luna’s ability to just relax.

Luna napping in sun puddle

After several weeks of hyper-activity and a bit of tumult, we are enjoying a quiet weekend at home, with plenty of sun puddles.


I of course have quite a few things to do – preparing for my annual New York trip and getting out a couple of gig reports for this site – but time with Luna is definitely a priority.