Blixa and Sasha in the Studio (Roland and Arturia)

Blixa and Sasha are sitting together in the studio. We see Roland TR 707 and TR-8S rhythm machines, along with an Arturia DrumBrute. From Neil Parker via Facebook. 💕

I love these fluffy things more than anything.

I know the feeling. They are indeed so precious to us.

You can see more of Blixa and Sasha via Blixa’s tag on CatSynth.

CatSynth Pics: #NationalCatDay with Sam Sam and Big Merp

Sam Sam with Yamaha TX802 and cassette deck

Of course, every day is National Cat Day (or International Cat Day) here at CatSynth. But we are marking the occasion by letting Sam Sam and Big Merp share their own pics. Above, we see Sam Sam in one of her favorite spots in the studio, in front of the Yamaha TX802 and cassette deck. Sam Sam would also like to share her recent studio video.

And lest Big Merp is left out of the fun, here is a pic of him hanging out behind the main modular synth.

Big Merp with the modular