Koi pool in Marin County, California.
Charlotte the cat contemplates the horror that is a circuit-bent Big Mouth Billy Bass. From Ok Housecat on YouTube.
I was often sardonically amused by this fishy contraption since the commercials in the 1990s. But now I am genuinely intrigued by its circuit-bending possibilities. At the very least, it could make for a fun CatSynth TV episode. I found at least one set of instructions here, but it might be even more fun to just take it aport and just explore with alligator cables.
The Horror…The Horror…
From Ok Housecat. Visit their website okhousecat.com, where you can see an amazing array of circuit-bent and other custom electronic instruments. We at CatSynth are going to spend some more time exploring the video demos 😻
The theme for this week’s combined Weekend Cat Blogging and Photo Hunt is ORANGE. So here is a series of photos in which Luna encounters our large stuffed fish, appropriately named “Big Fishy”.
For the last couple of years, Big Fishy has mostly been in the closet (no pun intended). But we took the opportunity to bring him out for this week’s theme. It may not be the most seasonal interpretation of orange, but we do have a black cat.
It also occurs to me that yesterday’s photo also fits today’s orange theme.
Weekend Cat Blogging #281 is hosted by Nikita and Elivra at Meowsing of an Opinionated Pussycat. Check out their latest “street scenes” of cats from their neighborhood in southern California.
And the Weekend Cat Blogging Hallowe’en Edition will be hosted right here at CatSynth next weekend!
Photo Hunt #236 is hosted by tnchick. This week’s theme is orange.
The Carnival of the Cats is hosted by Kashim, Othello and Salome.
And the Friday Ark is at the modulator.
This past Thursday we celebrated Luna’s adoption anniversary (aka “Gotcha Day”). For Weekend Cat Blogging we present some photos from our celebration that evening.
Of course, there was yummy food. In this case, Sardines, inspired in part by a (human) recipe I had heard on the radio few days earlier and still want to try out. Luna devoured her feline fish treats with aplomb:
There were some cards from friends. And of course, new toys. I was particularly fond of this toy, which seemed apropos of this year:
Luna was not quite as interested (though I did see her kick it around briefly):
On the other hand, she took right away to this black mouse toy and spent quite a bit of time kicking it around, even getting it stuck on a shelf and pawing diligently to get it out.
And after a spell of vigorous play, it was time to relax:
Not only is this Luna’s fifth adoption anniversary, but it is also the 5th Anniversary of Weekend Cat Blogging. It was started by group of primarily food bloggers who set aside a post on the weekend for their cats. We found it back in 2006 as I was first starting this site. This special edition is being hosted by LB and breadchick at The Sour Dough.
The Carnival of the Cats will be up this Sunday at Nikita’s Meowings of an Opinionated Pussycat. And the Friday Ark is at the modulator.
For this holiday edition of Weekend Cat Blogging, we present some of our images from Hunnukah, the Jewish festival that concludes at sundown tonight. Our menorah, not surprisingly, has both musical and modernist elements, with a band of musicians behind the candles.
As one can see, this was taken on the seventh night, which for a variety of scheduling reasons ended up being the main night on which we were able to celebrate. Luna received her gift, a blue fish toy – it is our personal tradition that designated Hannukah gifts have to be blue.
She seem to quite enjoy this toy, and immediately took to batting it around th floor; and play hunting with it by pushing it underneath the table and then pouncing on it. I was able to get some videos of her play:
Weekend Cat Blogging #237, Holiday Edition is being hosted by Samantha at Life from a Cat’s Perspective.
The Carnival of the Cats will be hosted by Kashim, Othello and Salome. We wish Kashim a happy 11th birthday.
And of course the Friday Ark is at the modulator.