Black Cat and Eurorack (Noise Engineering, Hexinverter, 4ms, Doepfer)

Cute black cat with a growing Eurorack system featuring modules from Noise Engineering, Hexinverter, 4ms, and Doepfer. From @sophia_hjkl on Twitter.

guess who finally getting into eurorack?

Hürmüz with Buchla Red Panel, Schlappi Engineering, Orthogonal Devices

Hürmüz poses with a modular system that includes a Ruchla Red Panel oscillator (a favorite of ours), a Schlappi Engineering Angle Grinder, Orthogonal Devices ER-301, and a lot more. From Cengiz Arslanpay (@carslanpie) via Instagram.

“I am the best Oscillator”

We at CatSynth agree that cats make excellent oscillators.

Xandra with FolkTek, Moog and other modules

The beautiful Xandra – a Siamese oriental shorthair cat – sits proudly in front of a modular system featuring offerings from FolkTek, Moog, Malekko and more. Xandra fits purrfectly with the aesthetics of the FolkTek modules.

From Ignus Ajpuu viua Facebook.

CatSynth Pic: Luna and Modular

We at CatSynth always love meeting other cats named Luna. This Luna once hid behind a 6U Eurorack modular case when she was a kitten. It is reported that she is too big for this space now.

Submitted by @panic_hardware via our Twitter account.

My cat luna hiding behind the 6U case when we first got her. She’s a little too big these days for this

We invite intrepid readers to try and identify the modules – quite challenging from this angle.

Orion with Modular and Elektron (Make Noise, Doepfer, Flight of Harmony)

An older photo of Orion with an Elektron Analog Four (Mk1) and a Eurorack system featuring a Flight of Harmony Choices joystick, various offerings from Make Noise and Doepfer, and more.

Submitted by Justin Sullivan (@justin3am) via our Twitter account.