Adorable little black kitten checking out its latest composition.
From CallingAllAstronauts on Twitter, via our friend scatterfilter.
If you have a cat-and-gear picture to share, you can always do so by tweeting us @catsynth.
Adorable little black kitten checking out its latest composition.
From CallingAllAstronauts on Twitter, via our friend scatterfilter.
If you have a cat-and-gear picture to share, you can always do so by tweeting us @catsynth.
Primus (the cat) sits next to an Akai S-20 sampler. Submitted by Gunfire Horibly via our Facebook page.
Here we see Primus checking out a modular synth:
Via matrixsynth.
In addition to the Akai AX60, there is a Yamaha electric organ, ostensibly a YC-45D.
Submitted by Andrew Wayne, who appeared at this year’s Outsound Music Summit Touch the Gear event.
“Here is my cat, Samantha, taking a little nap by my Akai AX80.”
This Samantha looks surprisingly like another Samantha that we have featured on this site before.
From Alessandro Automageddon via our Facebook page.
Here’s another picture of Giuliano, the macbook was currently running Apple Mainstage, there’s a small modular rig (Mostly Doepfer modules, with some MFB) and an Akai mpk 25 (not sure about the name). He was mostly interested in the patch cables in the red basket…
Submitted by Alessandro Cilano:
here’s my cat Bella, sitting on the chair of power at my desk.
She’s grumpy as there are too many places to fill in my modular and she’s not allowed to play with the patch cables…
We have seen some pictures in the past of his cat Guiliano.
Submitted by Vince Noog via facebook:
Originally from the French-language version of Audiofanzine. The cat is napping atop an Akai MPC 3000. The MPC 2500 was “represented” in Nomadik Messenger’s performance at the APAture Festival” back in September.
I also noticed an E-MU SP-12 in one of the other photos from this set (sans chat).