This weekend marks the 6th anniversary of Weekend Cat Blogging. It was started by a group of food bloggers who took a break from the regular topics every weekend to post about their cats. It is not an in appropriate combination, as like their human counterparts cats enjoy good food and good company.

We at CatSynth found Weekend Cat Blogging back in 2006 and have been regular participants ever since. This is of course not a food blog, but we do appreciate food and have indeed made recipes posted by long-time participant. Indeed, a diverse collection of bloggers have participated on and off over the years.
If you would like to participate in this anniversary edition, please leave a comment below, or tweet us @catsynth with hashtag #WCB. We always welcome new participants!
We are also celebrating another anniversary this weekend: Luna’s adoption. If you have not had a chance to yet, please visit Luna’s Gotcha Day post.
And so let us get on with round-up.

Jules of Judi’s Mind Over Matter has been a regular participant, and he can be counted on to make an appearance whenever we host. Call it “black cat solidarity” if you will. In any case, we think he makes a very handsome outdoor model, though he sometimes wants to eat the props.

Catsparella has a Caturday post featuring several cats from around the internet, including Mar (aka Mar(ilyn) Manson aka Tuxedo Bad-Ass). In addition to having an interesting namesake, he is a cancer survivor. He also loves eating spaghetti. We wish him the best for a healthy and happy future!

Over at Gattina’s “My Cats and Funny Stories”, Rosie is practicing her seduction skills on one of the many cat statues that adorn their garden. It makes for some very cute photographs.

At Pam’s Sidewalk Shoes, Smudge is posing on the garden pathway in an apparent attempt to distract us from the garden weeds. We think it is a very handsome portrait. And the weeds in the stones of the pathway add a rich texture to the image.

At The Chair Speaks, Pebbles enjoys a day of relaxing. She evokes an image of poolside bliss on a deckchair.

Regular reads know that we at CatSynth are regulars in our local arts community in San Francisco, so it’s great to see our “TX furriends” Samantha and Clementine featured at a gallery near you. That’s a gallery near you, not near us. But it’s great to see their virtual art show – and nice prominent placement of their images (I particular like the big one of Clementine).

Our friends at Animal Shelter Volunteer Life present the cats in Cat Room 8 taking it easy on Sunday. Our Sunday is busy as usual, so we will just have to live vicariously through their great photos. These cats are likely dreaming of loving homes in their futures.

At Herman’s Hideaway, it appears that Herman and Emma are stuck in an infinite loop (are stuck in an infinite loop) as each watches, ready to pounce if the other does anything. Read the post to find out the full story.

Our dear friends from Vienna Kashim, Othello, Salome and Astrid have been participating in Weekend Cat Blogging just about as long as we have. They look back on WCB’s origins this week and link to their original post. They also discuss the fun and value they have received from sharing these posts over the years, and we could not agree more!

As we wind down this edition of WCB, Ritzi shares a contented moment with a blanket at Mind of Mog.

Our friends Georgia and Tillie along with the rest of their household stopped by for the WCB 6th Anniversary. Check out their Friday Close-ups!

It’s always great to here from another Luna! This week Luna T Katt and Zulu are remembering Luna’s littermate Keiko, whom they lost to the rainbow bridge last year. The kitten pictures are very cute – and they all miss her very much.

It seems that Gracie has been having trouble with the blogger monster and thus having trouble leaving comments for friends. But she was able to make it though and wish Luna a happy 6th Gotcha Day and everyone a happy 6th Anniversary of WCB.
We will continue to post entries throughout the weekend, so please continue to comment or tweet us if you would like to participate.