Gerty and Tiny Studio (Ableton, Korg Volca)

Gerty returns with a “tiny studio” consisting of Ableton Live! and a pair of Korg Volcas. The Volca Modular is a favorite of ours at CatSynth.

From Brandon Heartworm Yahiro-Taylor.

Micro-Studio… indoors today, lollygagging around version…My intern is not amused by the squalling bleeepy-bloopy modular synth stuff…

Korg KPR-77 Drum Machine

Cat with Korg KPR-77 drum machine

This cat poses very nicely with a vintage Korg KPR-77 drum machine.

From Andreas Gregor via the Facebook group Synthesizer Freaks.

We at CatSynth were not familiar with the KPR-77. From Vintage Synth Explorer:

The KPR-77 was Korg’s answer to the TR-606 drum machine. Like the 606, the KPR-77 is basically an analog machine. Its sounds consist of bass, snare, two toms, open and closed hi-hats, accent and (switchable) cymbal/clap. Each drum sound’s level can be individual mixed via the sliders.

Black Cat with Roland, Kawaii, Yamaha, Korg, and more

A beautiful black cat with green eyes (like our beloved Luna) sits atop an impressive stack of modules. We see a Yamaha TX81Z (which we also have), as well as a few offerings from Roland, Kawaii, Korg, alases, and more Yamaha. From endmusik_studios via Instagram.

New art for the studio, but it’ll have to wait until the intern finishes recabling everything